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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > California - Los Angeles Co.   Attractive, horny, married, and curious

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Old 1st August 2008, 09:16 AM
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 1
Attractive, horny, married, and curious

Hi guys,

I'm an athletic 41 year old married guy, 5'6", who frequently fantasizes about playing with another guy.

I'm looking for safe, healthy, steamy fun in real time...a chance to begin exploring some of these fantasies. My idea situation will begin with some email exchanges to learn a bit more about each other, and then a hook up at your place.

During our first encounter, I'd prefer just to sit back and get a blowjob, and then let my nerves settle down before our next meeting. Then, slowly, I'd like to begin trying some other things. Obviously, I'm looking for a patient guy who can take his time and let me move at my own pace.

Let me know if this sounds interesting to you, and we can take it further...Shaun
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Old 3rd August 2008, 08:03 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 2
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Married Guy...

Hi, I'm VERY interested in situation (don't know what to call it...a possible sexual friendship maybe?) you described in your post. I have had several relationships of this type in the past, some short-term and some aas long as a few years (a kind of sex-buddies or sex-friends relationship in which we'd meet occasionally, every few weeks or every month or couple months, for several continuous and very satisfying years. Perhaps because of the non-entangling sexual framework of these relationships, most of the men have also been straight or bisexual married men who have had little or no intimate experience with men, other than their extremely erotic fantasies. A few of the men, were as you describe yourself, nervous and insecure with their firs experiences with me, and were slow to break down each of their inhibitions and nervousness when with me intimately. THey usually began our meetings with nothing more than jacking off, (one man d just watched me jack off the first two times we got together, and the next couple times jacked off with me, then later was comfortable with jus jacking each other off, and then having me suck him off...that was maybe the hottest of any sex-buddy friends I've had in the past several years...and it did become VERY sexually & remained so fo0r about two more years!_ THere were two men who were only comfortable with what you mentioned preferring for a first meeting: kicking back and enjoying me give them one hell of a great blowjob. After a few of these meetings, they'd little by Little be comfortable with touching me and then trying other sexual scenes (mutual play sometimes, oral and anal play usually with me as the passive or bottom partner) and quickly losing all their inhibitions and just enjoying the sexual pleasure 100).

I'm 39 white masculine easygoing good looking educated discreet hassle-free self-reliant but compassionate, not looking for more than just a sexual relationship with another man (have a non-monogamous relationship with a guy now, don['t live together but it's been a steady, stable relationship for about a year now).
I live in the Hollywood area, share a house with a friend from college days (we live very separate and very private lives) I work at home most of the time and thus am frequently home, alone and available for intimate private meetings an a variety of days and times every week. Also available some nightss (with enough advance notice).

Sorry for the long long reply but wanted you to know I'm not just looking for a one-time cock sucking hookup with a married dude!!

I can send you pictures and any info you might want by email: . I then,if you want to talk on the phone, I'll send you my number. If and when you are ready to meet me in person, hopefully for that first male sexual experience but without any guarantees of what will or will not occur, we can set up the time and day and I'll give you my location and directions, etc.

Basically, it's all up to your preferences from now on. Let me know whatever you may want whenever you may want it and'll be happy to supply it without impatiently complaining or expecting more sooner!@

You can email me and I['ll reply with pictures and whatever else you might want. You don't have to send your pictures in return for mine if you don't want. Like anyone else, I like a good-looking man but usually physical traits are not what I find to be sexy, hot or a the big turn-on about a man...don't know just what to label it but it's a combination of internal and external: chemical reactions between us, personality traits, experiences and inexperiences, body language, actions, ... oh well, maybe it's just the look of desire for hot sex with me, sooner or later, in the man's eyes that make him sexy as hell to me, regardless of how near or far he is to a perfect 10 physically.

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