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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > California - Orange Co.   Stay Away From The Cajon Pass

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Old 12th August 2006, 02:09 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 33
Stay Away From The Cajon Pass

THe local Sheriff has decided that the Cajon Pass needs to be cleaned up, so Thursday afternoon, the Sheriffs department sent 11 detectives and Deputies there to clean it up.


Of course, upon arrival, they spotted one person performing a sex act on another, without even having to get out of their cars. C'mon guys.. a little discretion maybe???

Anyway, for now, it is NOT a safe place to cruise. They may be even stopping people for just driving by.

If you are in the area, give us some feedback. please.

And make sure you are totally legal if ou go by there... license, insurance, etc. NOT a wanted parole violator, etc. They are checking EVERYTHING.
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