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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > California - Riverside & San Bernardino Co's.   What is anal like for you?

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Old 14th April 2006, 07:54 AM
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 9
What is anal like for you?

I was talking to another bottom the other day who said that he "tolerates" anal.

Are there others out there who actually enjoy being taken as do I? What does it do for you? For me it bring on an incredable feeling of peacefulness that can last for days.

I'll be headed to TBT this afternoon in search of that inner peace. LOL.
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Old 18th April 2006, 10:15 PM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 8
The root chakra

Why anal? There are several energy centers in the human body/spirit. Many are aware of the 3rd, solar plexus, etc ...

The lesser known chakra is the root chakra, located at the base of the tailbone (aka the coccyx, pronounced cock-six).

Most Americans hold onto this energy pretty tightly ... this explains the rampant incident of lower back pain and Republicanism ... hee hee

My point is that anal sex can tap into this chakra and release the pent up powerful energy that it stores. I always regard a good buttfuck as something of an 'attitude adjustment'. Kind of like taking the chip off your shoulder ...
6-1, 190, clean, discreet, handsome
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Old 19th April 2006, 11:30 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 33
OK, so I have a related question....

I have tried anal several times, and I did like it, HOWEVER... anal retention began to diminish quickly. And I went out of my way to find small cocks for my first adventures...

So, how do you keep from shitting your pants every time you sneeze or cough ???
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Old 19th April 2006, 07:32 PM
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 9
Pre anal

Always good to cleanse before sex, inside and out. An enema works well, several actually. OK, I enjoy enemas, lol. TBT has what they call a "colonic" room, really just a hose for cleaning. Do take your own enema nozzle and lube. That hose looks NASTY. Unfortunately the water is cold.

A first cleansing held for a few minutes will flush most of what you are holding. A few more will eventually get you down to clear water. Rest for a few minutes afterward. Your bowels may have a little clear fluid left. Your partner will enjoy you more if you do, that is unless he happens to be into scat.

If you do have anal discharges after sex, well, there is an entirely different fetish just waiting for you.
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Old 20th April 2006, 10:47 AM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 33
OK, I will try this again......

Earlier, I said.....

I have tried anal several times, and I did like it, HOWEVER... anal retention began to diminish quickly. And I went out of my way to find small cocks for my first adventures...

So, how do you keep from shitting your pants every time you sneeze or cough ???

Now, I was refering to days, weeks and months later, now that your anal canal is loosened up from all that 2 way activity.

I know on the few occassions that I took it up the ass, for weeks after, I would have to make a real effort to hold the old cheeks tight when I would cough, to keep from messin the old pants.
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Old 20th April 2006, 05:34 PM
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 9

Sounds like you may have a little TOO MUCH fiber in your diet. Try to increase your protein to fat/bulk ratio to firm up your stools.

Sheesh! What a conversation! But what are friends for? Could be worse. You could be into fisting instead.
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Old 20th April 2006, 05:48 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 33
Fiber ? no.....

No fiber whatever in my diet... unless McDonalds and Burger King have started sneaking fiber into their burgers and fries..

More a case of stretched muscles if ya ask me.
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Old 20th April 2006, 06:21 PM
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 9

LOTS of fat there though, friend. And ya know, fat greases stuff up. Probably not diet alone but diet could be a big part of it. I've got this saying.... "Fast food isn't ."(i.e, either fast or food!)
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Old 21st April 2006, 02:53 PM
Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 32
Cool anal

its that direct prostate stimulation that gets me every time
No matter where I go its BJ Time.
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Old 23rd April 2006, 07:41 PM
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 3
In the mood

Anal sex is great, but I seriously have to be in the mood for it, and, quite frankly, it isn't more than once or twice a month. But, those rare occasions bring me to a point of extreme sexual and sensual energy. It's almost like everything else I do is just "half-sex" and anal sets off all of the nerves in my body, until I am writhing in physical and emotional ecstacy.

I fantasize about multiple partners, as usually one guy is normally "done" before I am ready to be done. It's a problem, really, as locating two tops is difficult--seems like everybody is a bottom.

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Old 5th December 2019, 03:55 PM
Join Date: Apr 2018
Posts: 158

Originally Posted by leanandhairy View Post
quite frankly, it isn't more than once or twice a month.

(for me I am lucky if it's a few times a year. )

I fantasize about multiple partners, as usually one guy is normally "done" before I am ready to be done. It's a problem, really, as locating two tops is difficult--seems like everybody is a bottom.

(same here, takes me a while to 'open up', and by the time I am really starting to get into it, he's done & headed for the door or sending me to the door... Often wished I could find a 2ed (3ed?...) to take their place now that I was 'open')

Once I learned what was 'going wrong' (things like lack of lube, starting too quick, etc) I generally tolerated getting fucked., it was ok, but I preferred sucking (& swallowing!). But occasionally it was great! But always over too quick. The best was a cum-pleated head then get fucked. 2 reasons, 1st I luv to suck&swallow, 2- they usually last longer for the 2ed cum!

Back in the day I could fuck for as long as someone wanted, but I preferred some good head, and only fucked on request. (also only got fucked on their request).

Also fantasize about multiple guys together wanting to get sucked (swallow) & then fuck me. Maybe the line starts in front and then 1st guy gets in back while the next gets his head. Hummmmm. :-)
Been between two guys only a couple times in my life, really enjoyed it.

Thanks to ED, I am no longer vrs, so just a total btm.
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