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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > California - San Diego & Imperial Co's.   Fantasyland

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Old 15th March 2006, 11:59 AM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 2
Angry Fantasyland

As of the l4th, all doors on all stalls have been removed. Don't waste your time or your gas. Any suggestions on a substitute would be appreciated.
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Old 17th March 2006, 12:35 PM
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Unhappy that's too bad

That's too bad. I'm sure their sales will plummet, though it may not have been by their choice.
I guess it's just that sort of political climate these days, where everyone feels like it's their business to legislate how other people how run their lives.
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Old 17th March 2006, 05:29 PM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 1
Unhappy Fantasyland

Yeah- it's too bad. That was a fun place until about six months ago. The arcade never made any money with guys hanging out in the halls and unlit booths. It was a full-time job for them just to make sure people got in a booth and put some bills in. You think the guys would be appreciative of a place that cut perfectly round glory holes in the booths- but they weren't, most didn't drop a dime in a machine- and now all the holes are gone and the doors are off. Sure they'll take a financial hit, but anyone who's been there knows that's not where they make their money. They're always cranking out cases and cases of VHS porn tapes from the duplication area in the back. I think they were afraid the vice would close the whole palce down and they'd lose that part of their business too. I don't think they gave a rats ass waht went on in the booths- it just turned out to be more risk than reward for them
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