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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > California - San Diego & Imperial Co's.   Merry Christmas

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Old 8th December 2006, 12:37 PM
Join Date: Jul 2004
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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas and Happy holidays to all. Perhaps its because I live in San Diego and the weather has been great but there doesn't seem to be much cheer in the air. I live in the closet and my family (Italian and Irish) are homophobes from the word go. 10 years ago my cousin David came out ..... It wasn't pretty. I have talked to him on a number of occasions and he has been unwavering in his advice. Our Family is primarly made up of troglidites stay in the closet they can't handle the truth. Christmas can be a really lonely time for gay community both in and out . But there are ways to deal. I put together packages for the homeless Blankets, socks , soap tooth brush, toothpaste a transistor radio and a few bucks. Just a little box of things to show someone I don't know they are not invisible and that someone cared enough to remember them. Our Families may not be there for us but we can be there or each other. Think twice before you say somthing unkind to someone else. See people for what they are not what they look like. Go out of your way for someone for no reason. Be excellent to each other.

Merry Christmas
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Old 10th December 2006, 12:35 PM
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Thanks Spike! Very nice thoughts, and true as well. I'm a single Bi guy and it can be kinda lonely this time of year, but sometimes when ya give more than you expect, it comes back even more!
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Old 12th December 2006, 07:29 PM
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 91
I can understand what you're saying

but you have to live your life. If you're family can't love you for who you are then that's their loss. God gave me my family; every day I thank him that he lets me pick my friends...or lovers. Happy holidays, Monty in San Francisco
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