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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Mexico, Central & South America > The Caribbean and Bermuda   Atlantis - July9-16

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Old 22nd March 2005, 04:07 PM
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 2
Atlantis - July9-16

MWbiM going to Paradise Island - Atlantis July 9-16. Just wondering if there's anything going on down there ? Nude-beach /, Bi friendly club or bar ? Spa or health club to cruise ? Like to run in the morning so if anyone is there and would like to meet up drop me an email and we can swap pics.
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Old 30th March 2005, 05:13 AM
Join Date: Oct 2003
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St Maarten

are u coming to St Maarten?
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Old 25th April 2005, 09:14 PM
Join Date: Apr 2001
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just to paradise

will only be going to Atlantis on PI
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Old 5th May 2005, 08:01 PM
eightby2inches's Avatar
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I used to live in Nassau, The Bahamas...

but that was about ten years ago,, before Atlantis was built... In those days I got a lot of great big black cock on Paradise Island.. where Atantis is... by just walking down the beach towards the light house at the tip of the island... from the local boys... at a private beach near the light house...

My suggestion is to take a towel... wear a nice little speedo or thong... and lay out on the beach and patiently wait for the boys to walk on by and strut their stuff...

The beach you want is near the lighthouse... close to an old shipwreck.... past the part of the shore that's all rocks (you have to walk over the rocks to get to it... so bring or wear your running shoes... since most torurists do not walk the beach in their running shoues... that's what keeps it quite empty... except for guys looking to cum.... have fun.. enjoy... but remember that public sex is illegal in the Bahmas.. so wait until you are sure the guy is interested... which is easy... they will either rub their cocks until they get hard or just strip down to nude not to far far from you...
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