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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Mexico, Central & South America > The Caribbean and Bermuda   Sex in HAVANA, CUBA!

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Old 24th January 2008, 02:31 PM
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 5

Hey all ---- can anyone please give me some info about meeting hot Cuban men in Havana? I'm going in April. Happy to pay if the guy is REALLY hot... generally, how much does it cost? And is it a problem to get the guys into your hotel? Also, where is the best place to find them? Is it dangerous?

Please help me out here! Thanks
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Old 23rd March 2008, 06:53 PM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 1
sex in havana

You likely will not be able to get an escort (or any cuban) into your hotel, as locals are (almost never) allowed into tourist hotels.

The best place to meet all the gay boys is in the Vedado section by the seawall. Especially every friday and saturday nights, but to a lesser extent any night. On Fri or Sat there are taxi guys parked next to Cinema Yara that all know where the "secret" party is that night. Usually it's a party on the outskirts of Havana or in a burb. The driver will know where it is. It'll be either a party with a show (usually a drag show) then dancing, or just a big party with dancing. Either way you'll pay to get in. If it's a show party you'll pay like 25cuc pesos which will get you a bottle of rum and mixers. At a regular party you'll pay less but you'll buy drinks once inside. Anywhere you go, if you meet any local guys they'll expect you to pay everything for everything. Get ready to feel like an ATM, because they don't have much money. If you play w/ anyone, even a non-escort, he may well expect you to give him money anyway. If you meet a "regular" guy you'll have to be very very secret to go back to his house, because that's technically illegal too. But it's not all that rare.

There are hundreds and hundreds of guys cruising by the seawall in Vedado any Fri or Sat night, you probably will have no problem.

If you want to make taking someone home much easier, try to rent a private apartment where you get the key.

The people are really friendly and the men are very hot. It's a little sad, but you'll have a good time, it's like nowhere else.
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