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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > China   Picking up body language/cruising ethics

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Old 7th March 2006, 02:58 AM
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 7
Picking up body language/cruising ethics

I had to admit that my cruising method doesn't work well in Asia and may be I needed help. This is what happens may be you guys can offer pointers. When I walked into the bar, every one stares but everyone turns away after I gave them a smile and a knod. I saw some glances but tried to smile politely like a typical Thai but it seems like I am way too passive. Finally got fed up and went to the sauna and found exactly the same. Frustated, I started jerking off and now everyone wanted to play and was told that I was too attractive that everyone was afraid to be turned down. What should I do? Going after someone just isn't my style unless that I am 100% sure. Please offer pointers. The lonesome one...
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