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CRUISING for SEX - Bkk vs Shenzhen

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Xfun 27th September 2010 07:32 AM

Chinese delights
Shenzen and Quangchau (and Shanghai) are worth a look. Don't try and make China fit into the Thailand model because it won't, it's different and it should be.

Massage venues galore, some go go bars, but China is still trying to come to grips with all of this and things change by the minute although tolerance is growing rapidly, two steps forward, one step back.

Many massage venues, some with 30 to 40 staff, in all of these locations, are very well designed and impressive, some have the glass fronted rooms seen often in Chinese girlie venues and also seen here in Thailand.

In some places you find lots of English, venue owners and working staff, and in other venues almost no English.

I worked for many years across all of these Chinese cities and my summation is that a much larger number of Chinese massage boys are gay or really are bi-sexual, but pretty much always very masculine, and I've never seen a full on effiminate boy / lady boy in any of the massage venues.

I've also visited KL on many many projects and I agree there are many curious young men who are keen for adventure although one needs to be a little carefull of the guys who are looking for lifetime commitment on first meeting and get pretty upset when they realize it's a one night stand.

My most awkward 'incident' was staying at the KL Ritz Carlton hotel which provides a personal butler in their executive floor. The young man concerned, hot as hell, made a very quick move with a passionate kiss and I responded with a passionate kiss, but he was just horrified when he realized that it wasn't true love for life.

I'm also well aware (as already well documented here) that at KL 'blue boys' you can get a one night / one hour 'pick up' in 5 minutes.

Xfun 27th September 2010 07:59 AM

Chinese delights
Shenzen and Quangchau (and Shanghai) are worth a look. Don't try and make China fit into the Thailand model because it won't, it's different and it should be.

Massage venues galore, some go go bars, but China is still trying to come to grips with all of this and things change by the minute although tolerance is growing rapidly, two steps forward, one step back.

Many massage venues, some with 30 to 40 staff, in all of these locations, are very well designed and impressive, some have the glass fronted rooms seen often in Chinese girlie venues and also seen here in Thailand.

In some places you find lots of English, venue owners and working staff, and in other venues almost no English.

I worked for many years across all of these Chinese cities and my summation is that a much larger number of Chinese massage boys are gay or really are bi-sexual, but pretty much always very masculine, and I've never seen a full on effiminate boy / lady boy in any of the massage venues.

I've also visited KL on many many projects and I agree there are many curious young men who are keen for adventure although one needs to be a little carefull of the guys who are looking for lifetime commitment on first meeting and get pretty upset when they realize it's a one night stand.

My most awkward 'incident' was staying at the KL Ritz Carlton hotel which provides a personal butler in their executive floor. The young man concerned, hot as hell, made a very quick move with a passionate kiss and I responded with a passionate kiss, but he was just horrified when he realized that it wasn't true love for life.

I'm also well aware (as already well documented here) that at KL 'blue boys' you can get a one night / one hour 'pick up' in 5 minutes.

Gweilo 27th September 2010 06:42 PM

getting further away from shenzhen, i'm currently in taipei and what a difference! young, slim boys are easily available even in the sticky rice places, 'cause there's zero demand for young boys in taipei. guys in high demand include very muscular ones and chubs (g-men). if u like young, slim boys (with pretty/cute faces), definitely go to taipei. u should score regardless of your age and shape. if u're into chubs and u're chubby yourself, taipei should be on your list as well. however, if u're into gymfit guys and u're white, u might not want to rush to taipei even if u're in a very good shape. the vast majority of potato queens don't exercise in taipei (neither do most 'local' gwm, so it's only fair). to get a gymfit sticky rice, u'd need to look like a greek god, and even then u'd need a divine intervention to get laid.

taipei got very good gyms though, filled with lots of hot guys. clubbing is a bit boring: two sticky rice discos (both with rather terrible music) and one potato/rice bar, with expensive, small drinks (and an entrance fee despite being semi empty!). special dance parties at least once a month: u can score if u're white and not that choosy.

for those who like to pay for sex: there are a few massage places, but i haven't tried any (nor do i intend to). they're pricey and the massage 'boys' are nowhere near the 'hero' quality.

biggles69 27th September 2010 08:55 PM

My Chinese is limited to "ni hao ma?". How would a non-chinese speaking gweilo fare in Taiwan?

icon513 28th September 2010 12:42 AM

English is not as widely spoken in Taipei as you might imagine. Then again, I don't think you will find it a disadvantage. Perhaps only an inconvenience.

Gweilo 28th September 2010 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by biggles69 (Post 679292)
My Chinese is limited to "ni hao ma?". How would a non-chinese speaking gweilo fare in Taiwan?

potato queens speak very fluent english. those who don't speak english would avoid u like the plague even if u spoke native-level standard chinese. so, no, your chinese doesn't need to go beyond 'ni hao ma?' to get u laid.

icon513 28th September 2010 01:30 AM

Well, I'm not sure I agree with that totally in the case of Taipei. Sure there are professional potato queens, but I've had many boys there who said they had never gone with a farang before, and spoke no English.

It's a bit more fluid than, say, Tokyo.

In any case, there will be plenty of potato queens after you in Taipei, so it's a moot point.

Gweilo 28th September 2010 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by icon513 (Post 679303)
Well, I'm not sure I agree with that totally in the case of Taipei. Sure there are professional potato queens, but I've had many boys there who said they had never gone with a farang before, and spoke no English.

i was referring to gymfit guys. i don't seek contacts with other type of guys (slim, average, chubby, g-men), so cannot really comment.

it's not common for the sticky rice in taiwan to openly approach a gwm in the club/bar. his friends will be watching disapprovingly. i guess most of your contacts were made either online or in some cruisy place (sauna, parks, hot springs).

icon513 28th September 2010 09:21 AM

True. Parks and saunas, mostly.

And gym bunnies are not my scene. I'm more of a "guy next door" type.

Xfun 30th September 2010 09:33 AM

If your going to HK first, then there are hundreds of travel agents who can get you a visa within a few hours and at reasonable cost, and yes you do need 2 or 3 photos.

From Hong Kong there is a modern fairly fast train to Shenzen, departs numerous times every day, quite punctual, easy to find the HK departure station, it's within the HK train system, from memory it's about 70 minutes trip, train is very clean, attendants come up and down continuously with a trolley with snacks, drinks etc., all at cheap prices.

On arrival in Shenzen it's just 3 or 4 minutes walk to passport and customs, both quick and very efficient. If there's a problem at the passport check a local immigration officer who speaks English is on the spot within seconds, all very friendly and courteous. Walk two minutes to the taxi area, well organized, lots of signs, plenty of taxis, 10 to 20 minutes to most parts of Shenzen. But it would be wise to give the taxi driver a note with the name and address of your hotel in Chinese. When you book your hotel you can easily copy hotel name and address from their website.

muscfair 5th November 2010 10:22 PM

What's the best place for a hot spring/jacuzzi in shenzhen ?

Is there any good place for gay and foot massage for 2 hours or more in shenzhen ?

Gweilo 16th November 2010 11:54 AM

don't think there's any hot spring in shenzhen. there are also no jacuzzi pools in gay saunas in shenzhen
there are plenty of gay massage places in shenzhen though. just go to the ads posted on don't expect a proper massage though, or even a nice experience.

rick265 1st December 2016 10:25 PM

I had a lot of fun in Medan on two visits. I stayed at the Danau Toba Hotel which has a beautiful swimming pool "lagoon" that draws Indonesians and is very cruisy. The showers next to the pool were super cruisy and lots of boys with hard dicks. I even had one guy follow me to my room and kind of push his way in. He was really hot, so I didn't put up much of a fight :)

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