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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > Colorado   Newly Divorced and IN NEED of COCK to SUCK

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Old 20th April 2006, 10:25 PM
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Thumbs up Newly Divorced and IN NEED of COCK to SUCK

As the title says, I am newly divorced and have my own place and live alone, so I can host in Colorado Springs! I need cock to suck and play with and to be sucked and played with. The way she never could or knew how too! Come over and lets watch some porn, jack off, play, shove toys in my ass and your cock in my mouth, 69, and anything else we desire. I am located in COS, off N. Union Bvd go east on Palmer Park then left on Eagleview to my 4-plex apartment. I'm available most evenings. 30 years of secret bisexual life is finally over! Whew- what a relief that is.

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