36, Married, Curious. 5'9" 160 lbs. Fit with brown hair and eyes.
Looking for an intelligent, playful man to begin experimenting. Would like to meet at a bar, club, or restaurant as a kind of "date" Would love a man who can get in my head and seduce me, play with my mind, make me feel weak and submissive. I crave to know what it feels like to be "a sweet young date" for an intelligent, agressive man. Looking for plenty of candid, embarassing questions, teasing, and even verbal abuse. Would love to know what it feels like to touch a man through is trousers in under the table. If all goes well, I'm interested in going someplace private where I can maybe model some girlish undies and learn to use my mouth. I can talk on the phone to arrange or find if we have mutual interest. Drop me an email or reply to this ad. Larry
Trainable Submissive
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