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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > Colorado   Phallus Worshipper in Centennial/SE Aurora

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Old 25th November 2006, 04:48 PM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 1
Phallus Worshipper in Centennial/SE Aurora

45yo biwm, devoted worshipper of the sacred phallus and annointed daily with communion of the holy seed.

Recently divorced after she discovered me worshipping at the alter (between the legs) of our 18yo neighbor.

I was taught to kneel, adore and worship the sacred phallus at a very early age and I quickly learned to accept the entire phallus and became devoted to accepting the holy communion. I have worshipped at the alter of males, young and old daily since I was a 7 year old boy and will never go a day without receiving the holy sacrement from a phallus I am worshipping.

I worship in church with priests and parishioners, in public places with unknown phalluses and in my home where i can kneel at the alter of a male and adore and worship his holy god like phallus until he gives me the holy seed I seek. I also love to take the sacred phallus deep inside my fuckhole I was given to accept the sacred phallus and take communion to be babtised bi the holy seed deep inside my body.

I always ensure the sacred phallus is cleaned by mouth when I am finished and willing to receive the yellow necter on my body, inside my fuckhole or to wash down the holy seed.

I will worship you and I expect nothing in return other then being able to recieve communion from your sacred phallus.

Now that my ex has offically moved out I am seeking phalluses to worship in my home or I will worship you in a public place should you desire. I only wish to worship the sacred phallus and take communion of your holy seed. I do not care about looks, martial status, phallus size or age. I worship the sacred phallus of single, married, bi, str8, curious or gay males. I worship phalluses from very small to very large, from young to old. If your pallus is hooded I will gladly clean under the hood during the worship service.

If you would like to provide yourself as an alter for me to kneel and worship your god like phallus e-mail me at address in my profile. Now that I do not have to worry about being caught worshipping I hope tp find many sacred phalluses to worship as often as can and as many as possible willing to allow me to worship them on a regular basis.

I am here only to worship, adore and serve your holy cock as you desire. I love to serve and to take your seed as my reward.

Your Sacred Phallus Servent
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