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Message Board > Our Archives > Cruisemaster Road Trip: Summer 2001   Entry One: A Weekend with Cow Hide

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Old 25th May 2001, 05:10 PM
Keith's Avatar
Former Cruisemaster
(Deceased 2012)
Join Date: Jan 1999
Posts: 899
Talking Entry One: A Weekend with Cow Hide

Here I am in Chicago, standing on mezzanine level overlooking the sumptuous lobby of the Palmer House Hotel. One of the grand old hotels of this great city, it has probably never seen the likes of this weekend. Palmer House is host hotel for the International Mr. Leather contest and related events. I’ve never been before so don’t have anything to compare, but the scene below me resembles what one might expect if you moved Dore Alley Fair inside a nice hotel. Before the weekend is over, the patience of the hotel will surely be tested with all these hyper-masculine types roaming the halls in cow hide looking to score with all the other horny guys around.

IML as the event is known, has been around 21 years and attracts serious leather daddies, slaveboys, and other hangers-on from around the leather world. If your preferred escort is out of town this weekend, chances are he is in Chicago. There is the actual contest Sunday night, but between now and then, and all day Monday, the sex is non-stop. Guys tell me that the men will leave their doors open at the host hotel, awaiting passing strangers – something I bet the Palmer House hasn’t witnessed. I’ll be hosting my own orgy Monday afternoon and you can find some pictures posted hopefully late Monday night or Tuesday.

It should prove to be a very liberating weekend for all concerned, including the house-cleaning staff at the P-House. This one, that is – not the one in Augusta.

[ May 25, 2001: Message edited by: Keith ]
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Old 21st June 2001, 07:50 AM
Keith's Avatar
Former Cruisemaster
(Deceased 2012)
Join Date: Jan 1999
Posts: 899

Oh well. So much for keeping up this travel diary. Chicago is one of my favorite cities for sex and you know what? I had none. Hell, I even filmed a 30-man orgy, but didn't get any. What gives? Is your Cruisemater becoming a celibate? Not really, but Chicago turned out to be a non-stop period of work. I didn't even make it to the Steamworks which was the main reason I chose Chicago to start this trip.

But I'm not really complaining about the time in Chicago. We did get the newly designed online after months of planning and hard work. It was a huge process that I'm delighted to have behind me. The design which includes a spanking new database with over 10,000 cruisy spots catalogued was something I've wanted for years. The last design change of any substance was in May 1999.

The database is the jewel in the crown to me. Some guys have written that they don't like it and I had prepared myself for criticism. You can' t please everyone, but thus far most people who've been critical have offered some very good insight -- much that will be used to improve on this first addition. New features are already being plotted that will make this ever more user-friendly and allow more interactivity.

Perhaps the biggest statement about this new database comes with the actual usage. The numbers of people sending in new tips and updates is phenomenal! In the first weekend of operation we got more tips and updates than we would routinely expect in one full week -- over 300!

If you haven't tried the database yet please do:

More is coming soon.
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