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Message Board > Our Archives > Cruisemaster Road Trip: Summer 2001   Entry Twelve: Boardboy Fetish

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Old 29th July 2001, 04:21 AM
Keith's Avatar
Former Cruisemaster
(Deceased 2012)
Join Date: Jan 1999
Posts: 899
Post Entry Twelve: Boardboy Fetish

Joe and I were walking around Osterbro, the residential section of Copenhagen where we had found the tearoom, when behind a wall I heard the sound that always makes me stop and look – the sound of wheels rolling on pavement from a skateboard. Up to this point, I was exhausted, but my energy level perked up! Skateboarders have that impact on me.

Why? I’ve asked myself this question many times. Recently, while being interviewed on this very subject by a print publication, I had to stop and think what is this all about. Maybe it isn’t so much the boards as it is the boys on the boards. Their youthfulness; being almost always thin as a rail; that sense of rebelliousness that marks a skateboarder – all these things manages to get my juices flowing.

I’m sure it is part envy and no doubt reflects some issues I have with middle age. Were I able to choose, I just wish I were a young, rail-thin skateboarder. It seems like a perfectly un-complex life, which is what a part of me dreams of these days. It isn't entirely sexual and since a large number of the boys you see on skates ARE boys and thus off limits, the sex is only part of the equation. It is as much a middle-age fascination with youth as it is a sexual desire for young men.

So why all this talk? Well, mostly it is an excuse to share with you the pictures I took that afternoon in Copenhagen. Also, it is a good excuse to plug my Website,, which is an example of how I choose to handle this personal fetish. I may not be in a position to become a skateboarder (well, I probably could, but I figure I’d look foolish), but I sure as heck can share my skateboard fantasies with others.

See more pics by clicking here:

[ July 29, 2001: Message edited by: Keith ]
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