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Old 3rd December 2008, 09:02 AM
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Cool Economics of Porn

It was long thought that porn was immune from economic down-turns, but that was based on wishful thinking, not proven reality. Few of us alive today have actually experienced the porn world in a bad, really bad, economy. But that may be changing:

Financial Woes Hit Gay Adult : The Adams Report by JC Adams

Of course the truly interesting porn seems to be made more by amateur outfits and not the big porn houses who were hanging on the edge even before the economy hit on a tailspin. I suspect amateurs and pro-amateurs will do just fine since they have far lower costs of operations, but some big names we all know in this industry may very well disappear soon.
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Old 1st January 2009, 04:44 AM
KewlDewd66's Avatar
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Yup. Cannot agree more with you.

Any notion of unvulnerability at present circumstances is simply riduculous, when it comes to any private business. (The governments have agreed to save the systemic banks and possibly even systemic industries. Sadly, porn ain't one of those yet.)

Coming from an extremely competitive private business, I am rather sure that the porn studios will act just like all the other competitive business do: squeeze where they can.

They will keep the DVD prices stable as long as they can and they will keep the management as happy as they possibly can. Those, down the pecking order will be told to work for half the usual wage with an amazing array of 'reasons' for it, none of them bearing any resemblance to the facts at hand whatsoever.

Whenever the proverbial shit hits the equally proverbial fan, the big dudes declare it an 'opportunity' and an easy 'challenge' to increase their own profits. The beauty of it is that even when the 'reasons' for all the pay cuts have long disappeared, the established new wages still have to go a very long way to catch up with the reality, making the guys at the top even richer.

What is a smart free-lancer to do?

Hold onto your usual rates for as long as you possibly can. Make sure that under the circumstances, you do not get to be the first one to get screwed the bad way. …

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Old 7th January 2009, 05:19 PM
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Smile Larry Flynt Asking for Porn Bailout

Didn't some Republicans warn us this would happen! Bail out one group and then they all come around asking for some:
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