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Message Board > Cruiser Lounge > Cruising to Talk   Government regulation of gay sex

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Old 11th October 2010, 01:05 AM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 335
Government regulation of gay sex

On October 5th, David Barton and Rick Green of Wallbuilders, inspired by an August column on WorldNetDaily by Ken Hutcherson called for government regulation of gay sex as a health and national security issue. For a hearty laugh, check out this short transcript from their radio program:
David Barton Call For Government Regulation of Gay Sex | Right Wing Watch

Some of my favorite quotes:

"Homosexual/bi-sexual individuals are seven times more likely to contemplate or commit suicide. Oooh, that doesn’t sound very healthy."

"Homosexuals die decades earlier than heterosexuals. That doesn’t sound healthy."

"Nearly one-half of practicing homosexuals admit to five hundred or more sex partners and nearly one-third admit to a thousand or more sex partners in a lifetime."

They also rely on quotes from George Washington from 1778 on how gay men affect the military, and a 1814 "legal" document on the dangers of homosexuality on the stability of the country. According to them there was an 1920 study done on eighty plus nations to prove that those that rejected homosexual restrictions did not last past the third generation.

GrumpyBear's comments: If you guys are getting as many sex partners as they claim, you are either lying or got w-a-a-y-y-y too much free time on your hands, or knees. Secondly, don't burst their bubble by telling them that the Third Reich offically rejected and regulated homosexuality. They didn't last past the first generation. Lastly, if you are going to quote "facts and figures" provide proof, and don't rely on bigoted statements over 200 years out of date!
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