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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > Dakotas - North and South   Group gathering - 20+ guys ages 21-55ish

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Old 1st April 2006, 05:15 PM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 15
Talking Group gathering - 20+ guys ages 21-55ish

Hosting an all male group at my place in Sioux Falls, SD. Very discreet. There are now 20 confirmations as of today - but the more the merrier. If you are within the ages of 21 to 55ish - a bit over weight is okay, but if you break out in a sweat walking across the room, you probably shouldn't be having sex anyway. I provide the condoms, lube, and sodas. You just show up. April 10th, 10am to 2pm. If can make it - email me directly sdakota61 @ hotmail . com and I will make sure that you get the information you need to attend. Include your age, height, weight, hair color, (top/bottom/vers/none), dick size in your email.
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