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Message Board > Special Interest Forums & Discussion Groups > Dirty Stories: Instant Jackoff Material   New Neighbor

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Old 24th July 2004, 12:13 AM
Join Date: Jun 2001
Posts: 29
New Neighbor

A few months ago this totally hot dude moved in next door...I have seen him walking round naked in his house several twilight before he closes his blinds..One night I saw light shining in my bedroom window..I went to look...I realized since my bedroom was higher up than his...and the way his blinds were tilted closed...I could look right into his bedroom..he was naked and stroking on his bed...I quickly fipped my lights off..stood naked and hard in my window and watched him go to town...he moved around on his bed to face was almost as if he knew I was there watching...then he smiled and waved..mind you houses are close together in Chicago...It was then I realized I had a night light plugged into an outlet by my feet and was basicly being lit up from below...I pinched my nips and grabed my cock, peeling my foreskin back and slapping it onto my palm..he kneeled on his bed and put on a good did I..He then opened his blinds all the way..and I turned my lights on..we both stoked for each other until we came...HOT...we have done this several times since...when I see him outside we talk but nothing is ever said..Tomorrow night I plan a real good show for him with my dildo...maybe that will get him to come over..
5'11, blnd/blue, 165, shaved, Fit; work out 3x a week, 7.5 uncut. Luv groups and outdoor fun. BIG Exhibitionist! PM showing off...naked dares.
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