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Message Board > Special Interest Forums & Discussion Groups > Dirty Stories: Instant Jackoff Material   Public/Outside Pissing

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Old 4th July 2005, 07:12 AM
Join Date: Sep 2002
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Thanks for your contribution, marriedck.

I've been to Italy, England and Scotland. I don't recall seeing that kind of stuff in Italy though. When I think of a free and "dickhappy" people, the Dutch come to mind.

It must have been really HOT to have seen those German army studs water the greenery. I wish that I had a regular bud with an uncut tool. I've always wanted to try docking, but have yet to find the right guy. I'd like to jack while docking until I shot into the other guy's foreskin.

What the hell do women traveling on the Autobahn do when they need a leak?
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Old 4th July 2005, 08:25 AM
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It might be a little uncomfortable for long trips, but I've wished before that instead of a drivers seat I had a toilet opened to the ground in my car. With no pants on, obviously. When I'm driving cross country and gotta go, it would be so convenient to just lean back, piss, driving all the while.
These are good stories all, glad to see the thread has come back to life again!
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Old 4th July 2005, 10:17 AM
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Great Idea


That's a great idea and it has a Flintstones sort of feel to it. You could also get a good rimming or a blowjob by a willing mechanic who needs to "check the undercarriage" for some problems. Can you imagine being the guy who rolls under the car on one of those wheeled "mechanic's stretchers," only to find a toilet or guy with his big dick dripping, balls flopping and ass smiling down!

Since you and MScotmsan and I are all in the same metro area, we should make plans to get together during the good weather.
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Old 8th July 2005, 06:54 PM
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I always try to look at other guys next to me at urinals (some leather bars seem to still have the trough-style old-fashioned kind). I went to the Madonna concert last year at the Forum in Inglewood, CA and all of the men's rooms are down the stairs with very long trough=style urinals. I saw so much cock pissing that night....
Where do guys that run marathons piss?
There is the LA Marathon every year and I didn't see any porta potties in the photos.
I will be in Palm Springs next weekend for a "Wet & Hot" weekend of piss play!
No matter where I am...I am always Cruising for Sex!
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Old 8th July 2005, 07:44 PM
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Trough urinals can be cool. You reminded me that when the Carrier Dome at Syracuse University was newly built in the late 1970s and the urinals were "in the round," so it was 360 degrees of men pissing away. It was quite an innovation, because the Carrier Dome replaced the very old Archbald Stadium. I am sure that it had some very old and traditional style urinals in it, featuring porcelain.

I have no direct experience with myself or other men having to sneak a leak during a marathon, but I bet that there are as many stories as there are full bladders. My guess is that a certain slice of men, when really needing a leak, just let go and urinate out of the side of their shorts or even through their shorts. In general most men seem rather fearless about public urination when forced into a tight position, even here in the puritanical states

On, I have seeen several picture of football, soccer and baseball players that imply that that happens more often than we might think.

Keep those stories coming and have good time at "Wet & Hot!"
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Old 8th July 2005, 07:46 PM
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sorry, didn't realize you have to be registered for that site. (It's free though...) Anyway, I tried attaching it but it's saying the pic's too big, so I shrunk it.
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File Type: jpg nycmarathonstatenislandpisstrough.jpg (27.7 KB, 2184 views)
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Old 8th July 2005, 09:02 PM
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Your round trough type urinal reminds me of a time in college when my frat visited another chapter and they had a section of the "party room" walled off for the PISS TUB! Yep, an old bath tub hooked to a drain on the floor that we could all stand around and piss into. Only problem (well, not really!), was the tub wasn't all that wide, so if you were opposite someone pissing, it could be a little uncomfortable (for the macho guys).
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Old 9th July 2005, 06:23 AM
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Hot site!

OK, I just spent more time at than I probably should have, but what a hot site!!
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Old 9th July 2005, 12:57 PM
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Talking Watersports

Matt: I am glad that you got to discover that sight. There's always something new to ogle at.

I like bathtub urinal account, Visiting From TX. I bet that there are tens of thousands of fraternity-originated public and outdoor pissing stories to be shared! I alway had wondered what happens when there's a frat house where there are limited toilets and lots of guys. What happens then?

By the way, how did the guys "flush" the bathtub urinal, or was that even an issue.
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Old 9th July 2005, 07:13 PM
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To answer the 2 questions, the piss tub did not flush, it just went down the drain. It was the pledges responsibility to clean it (usually as punishment), although it looked and smelled like it was due soon.

To anwer the other question, our house only had 2 bathrooms, which were regular size, not modified for the amount of people living in the house (I lived off campus by the way). During a party, the lines were always long and normally full of girls. Most guys pissed in the yard, but us brothers had a special place...the chapter room, on the third floor, which had a fire escape out the side door. This was our place...pissing off the fire escape into the night, and only the brothrers were allowed this spot. Many times some poor folks got hit with a stream as they walked under the fire escape, if they were not careful!
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Old 10th July 2005, 08:54 PM
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Peeing in the jungle.

This happened a few years ago while in Bolivia. I was staying with friends in Cochabamba which is a dry area because the rain all falls on the other side of the mountains. One day we went on a trip over these 10,000 foot mountains to the Chapare region which is going down into the Amazon so it is rich rain forest. Well wouldn’t you know we had a flat tire so were stuck along side of the road while it was changed. I had to piss like a race horse or race like a piss horse. I figured I could just go into the jungle and take care of my problem. So there I go, across the road and into the undergrowth. After pushing my way through the vines I am all of a sudden in a big clearing. There I stood taking a piss in this area with about a hundred Coca plants. I guess I was lucky I didn’t get shot.
Dedicated cock sucker
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Old 11th July 2005, 06:44 AM
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Peeing on plans

Welcome to our discussion, olderdude. Thanks for staying on topic.

That was quite a peeing adventure that you had among the coca plants. Yes, you are probably right about your luck in not being assassinated.

A friend of mine, when traveling to Hawaii, was staying at a house that featured banana plants. The property was owned by a lesbian couple. The women eagerly encouraged him to urinate at the base of the banana plants because, according to them, banana plants thrive on whatever is in male human urine. I am not clear if they themselves took a squat around them, but my friend was happy to oblige and took many a manly leak at the banana grove.

It has a sort of a kinky, 1950s science fiction theme: Angry Alien Lesbians Abduct Human Males into Slavery So that They Can Urinate at Banana Farm or something like that.

Do they pee on the garlic in Gilroy to make it more tasty?

Keep 'em cummin'!
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Old 11th July 2005, 08:54 PM
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..not to mention lucky not to step on a landmine.
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Old 12th July 2005, 04:37 AM
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Popular tourist destinations

I recently heard from a friend of mine that one of the more popular tourist destinations is routinely urinated on by people who work there.

Apparently the Blarney Stone in Ireland grants luck to anyone who kisses it. People who work at the popular tourist destination got the idea that peeing on it after hours and then watching people kiss it the following day would be funny.

Anyone heading out to Ireland anytime soon?
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Old 12th July 2005, 02:35 PM
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The Irish


Thanks for that report...I'll be interested to hear more about the Blarney Stone "tradition" of which you spoke. That was a new one for me. You'd think that propsective "kissers" would get a whiff of nasty ammonia before they put their lips to it.

I guess that if you're an Irishman, the world us your urinal!
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