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Message Board > Special Interest Forums & Discussion Groups > Dirty Stories: Instant Jackoff Material   kids these days

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Old 30th March 2006, 09:50 AM
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 14
kids these days

so I'm walking throughout the park this morning. i come around to the back of the pool. it's closed of course but i here something in the water. so I'm like what the fuck. i get up to the fence and can see in the water (nasty green & about 2feet low) 2 ducks.(aww that's so cute) so i watch for a few minutes. then i turn to leave and i see crap all over the ground. normal stuff plastic bottles, paper bags, cell phone boxers, cig packs, old towels still frozen to the ground. it's a pool in a park what did you expected, people toss garbage and forget their towels and boxers all the time .. wow!!! hold up,, boxers?? how the hell do you lose your underwear? and there not matted into the ground .. they haven't been here to long 2-3 days at the most. i take a closer look..uumm look like the boxers i used to have on my bedroom floor. you know the ones I'm talking about..your old cum rag. so i put a foot on them and spread them out.. well I'll be damned they are someone's cum rag. but the freaky part is there small. i dont mean mens size small i mean small as in kids boxers
how does a teen age boy lose his cum filled boxers in the park?/
i know what your thinking I'm a freak for talking about this.. well yea i guess i am..
but you read it..and whats going through your mind right now
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Old 4th April 2006, 05:56 PM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 37

the park near my apartment was very active for many years. I used to go over there and invariably I could give or receive J/O and BJs. On more than one occassion I found myself with good looking young guys that I was sure were 18, but later found out that they were much younger. They just found M2M sex at a young age and did everything and anything to get off. One of the younger guys I met said he was gay, but most of them were just in it for the feeling.
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