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Message Board > Special Interest Forums & Discussion Groups > Dirty Stories: Instant Jackoff Material   Strangest place you have Jacked Off...

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Old 27th October 2006, 05:10 AM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 203
Back yard

When I was about 13, my parents bought something that came in a big card board box, I had the box outside next to our lot ,we were playing football, I decided to take a break, got in the box and suddenly got hard, started rubbing and before I knew it I was beatin the meat and blew off in the box, the kool part was my buddy's were playing football not 15 feet away and never knew, sure they saw the box rocking.
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Old 22nd February 2009, 11:10 PM
Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 1
jackin off is my fav thing to do

love all the ideas here. I have done a lot of them too! airplaine/bus/train/subway/urinal/stall/ski-lift (with best friend when 15)/ changing room/theatre/car/backyard/sidewalk/balcony/ferry/cruiseship/sauna/steamroom/hottub/work/
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Old 25th February 2009, 06:57 PM
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 10
How's this

Sitting naked on the hood of my carin the back parking lot of a closed shopping mall, being jacked off, and jacking off the bi guy my ex-wife worked with, while she watched. We finished up by licking up each others cum and sharing it with the ex.
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Old 27th February 2009, 12:46 PM
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 23
Quantity -vs- Quality

Like many replies to this question, the shear number of different JO places I have used makes it difficult to pin down the the strangest one.

I have dumped more loads in ABS video booths then I will ever be able to remember, not to mention theatres, bathroom stalls at work or in a shopping mall. I JO at least once in every city I go to as well as during my morning shower of every out-of-town overnight visit.

When I was in junior high, I left my siblings watching TV to JO in the bathroom so I could use the microscope that I got for Christmas to examine my cum.
While in high school, while on a family vacation in the vast forests of northern Minnesota, I took a long walk in the woods by myself. After an hour of exploring, I ended up by the shore of a quiet, secluded bay. The warm sunshine and fresh air had me invigorated and, as usual, horny. Through the shield of brush that partially obscurred my view of the bay, I could see a small boat with two people fishing - it looked like a husband and wife combo, probably in their young thirties. I was standing in a clearing - exposed bedrock big enough to park a car on - surrounded by dense forest, and about twenty feet from the shore. The two people fishing and I were probably the only ones within a mile. I stripped and laid down on the sun-warmed flat stone to sunbathe and it wasn't long before I jacked off and had a puddle of cum on my stomach. Occaisionally I threw a glance their way and I wondered if they could see through the brush better that I had thought - part of me wanted to show-off and part of me was mortified that I'd be caught. Eventually, they pulled up anchor and motored past me. I watched them from my prone position and thought I noticed them stealing glances my way, but it was probably wishful thinking - I fantisized that they came ashore for an afternoon of hot 3-way sex!

I read in CFS that a small park near the airport was a place to hookup with guys, but I had little luck the times I parked there. (I later learned that the shyness that kept me from making eye-contact pretty much torpedoed my chances of success.) Eventually, I explored the area and found some trails that lead away from the parking area into wooded areas. Despite the No Trespassing signs, the trails appeared to have plenty of use, based on the litter I found (candy wrappers, cigarette butts and a few used condums - COME ON PEOPLE - CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELVES!). One sunny afternoon, I tried again. After parking, I walked over to the stone wall by the ridge and watched a variety of commercial aircraft come in to land. Cars came and went while I was there but no one seemed to be connecting. Another car came in and the driver sat in his car, seemingly waiting for someone or something. While trying to figure out if I should try to approach him, another car entered the parking lot and all his attention was transferred there. He stepped out of his car and moved to the No Trespassing sign while glancing back over his shoulder at the newcomer, who exited her car (yes, HER car) and followed him at a distance. I guessed that something good was about to happen and waited five (very long) minutes to allow them enough of a head start, then slowly followed them in. I walked for ten minutes without a sign of the couple and started to think I had guessed wrong when I heard a noise. They had progressed further down the hillside to a wide spot in the path where she was bent over, holding on to a small tree. They both had their pants at their ankles and he was bangin' away like he'd never get to again. They were probably 80 feet away from me and facing my right, so I had a head-on view of them but they would need to turn to look in my direction. I whipped it out and started to stroke while enjoying this voyeurisic delight. After awhile, I reasoned that anyone screwing outdoors would probably be open other things, like say a 3-way, so I stood up - hard in hand, whacking like crazy - to advertise my presence. I shouldn't have been surprised that they didn't notice me, they were pretty well lost in their fun and the wind blowing through the branches surpressed any little noises I made to try to announce my presence. I was getting close to climax, but I wanted to save it in case my fantasy would come true. I took a series of single steps in their direction so that they could see me from a distance - I didn't want to walk up to them unless they indicated it was OK. After the fifth step I could see that he spotted me: he froze - probably in shock that his 'love shack' had been discovered. He leaned over her back to tell her and they both started to pull up their pants and straighten out their clothes, quickly though clumsily. I immediately regretted acting on my fantasy, for I caused their coitus-interuptus. I'm sure it would be no consolation to them, but I didn't get to cum either. I tried to say "I'm sorry" but I doubt they heard me. I zipped up while quickly heading back to the parking lot to leave.
Come to think of it, I bet she never did allow him to do that again! (At least, not at that park.)

Once in a while I JO in front of the computer, but there's nothing too strange about that, is there?


PS: I never have to choose between Quantity and Quality - it's ALL good!

PS: NewGuyInMD - that's a pretty hot situation - are there additional stories along that line?
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Old 27th February 2009, 12:57 PM
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 10

My ex-wife used to love watching and joining me with guys, and that led to some pretty wild things.

maybe I'll start a thread some time and tell about some more of our fun.
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Old 22nd July 2009, 05:21 AM
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 1
Chairman of the Board

On a 20 foot long conf room table in the Chairman of the Board's office in a Bank in Montgomery Alabama (2am night shift) also fucked my girlfriend there...
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Old 1st March 2020, 11:52 AM
Join Date: Apr 2018
Posts: 158

Both at work: HVAC blower room. This was the cold air/coils room with the huge barry blower/squirrel cage fans you could almost stand in (if you were short and they were off) that blew the air into the computer room under the raised floor to keep the mainframe computers cool. Kinda like being in a wind tunnel? It was quite cool and noisy. I let my cum get carried by the wind/sucked into the fans. UPS Battery Room The Uninterruptible Power Supply room for the computer room. I was cleaning the batteries and leveling off the electrolyte., and decided to JO., after all I had plenty of rags on hand. lol
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Old 16th April 2020, 03:36 PM
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 2

in a corn field w a farmhand at my friends family farm. was helping out and we were on opposite end of field about ready to end the day. i was beat so we sat on a wagon to catch my breath and got to talking about stuff. i knew this guy was up for most anything by his reputation, the talk turned to sex and we continued to talk as we short cut through the field. he said he was awful horned up after the talking and told me to look at this. he took it out and started jacking off. i figured what the hell and joined him. too tired to cum, but not when we hooked up about a week later. i normally dont top, but i did w him
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