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CRUISING for SEX - Restroom Sex

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jonwill 25th October 2007 12:31 PM

Restroom Sex
Hey Guys, I love to play in a hot restroom. Especially love it under the stall. Does anybody have any hot experiences to share?

CapitalUncut 25th October 2007 09:15 PM

Check these threads out:


George W Bush 26th October 2007 09:06 AM

Wow, the last line of the second link is a mind blower! (no pun intended)

jonwill 27th October 2007 11:34 AM

Thanks Cap! Those were great. ANy other guys out there with some more?

CapitalUncut 27th October 2007 12:46 PM

GBW: I've played with quite a few LEOs over the years. Believe it or not, a huge majority of them <i>aren't</i> fucktards with badges. Sure, some have bad attitudes and God-complexes, but most will only ruin one's day if that person goes out of their way to be an asshole.

BPkGloryHoler 28th October 2007 09:54 AM

would love to hear more about the LEO's Cap, that is if you have any other stories you can share

George W Bush 28th October 2007 12:39 PM

Capital-I agree. The main problem is 1% of them are dickheads, so people always assume the one they meet is part of that group. Who's to say he's not one of the 99% that isn't? Speed trap cops are a different matter however.

goofyguy 16th December 2015 04:03 PM

First time I ever did anything hot in a restroom was back in my early 20s, I had been on a trip and was driving along near San Angelo Texas and saw a rest stop. I was glad to see it as I really needed to use the bathroom and wasn't thinking anything of it. I went in and ended up in a stall sitting down. These stalls did not have head high partitions, just maybe chest high. There was a guy in one so I went to the next stall and went about my business. Well this guy was about my age, 20-21 at the time, kinda curly blond hair and seemed anxious. About a minute or so after I'd sat down I noticed him moving arms (I could see shoulders moving) and the guy stands a little and looks at me. I thought "what the hell" and stood a little to look down in his stall...WOW, he pulled his shirt off and had no pants on and was stroking his cock like a complete slut.. I touched my cock and the guy immediately comes to my stall and has my cock in his mouth within about 15 seconds... Within another minute he stops, stands, turns his booty to my hard cock and backs his ass up on it. I plunged my cock in all the way and start pumping him like I did my gf when I wanted to POUND her.... This goes on for a few more pumps then I start to cum in his ass... then in one of the hottest things I have ever felt, the guy reaches back with both hands and grabs my butt and pulls me into him so I will spunk ALL my cum IN his ass.. I then feel his ass twitching and could see spurts of cum all over the place from the guy's cock.. It was all over within maybe 3-4 minutes but was really an intense and incredibly hot experience...

jonn3 18th December 2015 10:11 AM

It amazes me when I hear about guys being that open in a public bathroom.

To jack off in a stall that only comes up to about chest high - not sure if I would call the guy brave or stupid! Of course you say it happened back when you were in your 20's and things were a bit less paranoid back then.

But damn hot when a bottom is so horny he needs it that bad!

goofyguy 18th December 2015 10:44 AM

I was hot and a complete suprise but to tell the truth, because of how this place was situated I think you would have been able to hear any other cars pulling in snd have PLENTY of warning...

fulcrum 8th December 2016 08:59 AM

I had a really memorable experience at a park bathroom one afternoon after a run. I'd spied this gorgeous long haired light skinned black guy rollerblading in just black spandex shorts and shades. We passed each other a few times on the roadway and ended up finishing our respective work outs at the same time and in the same parking lot. As I headed to the bathroom, I passed him standing by his car and took note of the large bulge in his shorts. I smiled and made my way to the bathroom. A minute or so later, he skates into the bathroom and up to the urinal next to me. I've got my cock out of my skimpy sweat soaked running shorts, finishing up my piss. He pulled his out and started stroking it. We turned to each other and reached for each other's cock. After a few tugs, he squats down and starts sucking my 7" cock. I compliment him on his balance (he's still wearing blades) and asked him to back off if he wants to prolong the encounter cuz I'm about to nut. With that, he stands back up and motions for me to go down. I kneel in front of this buff toned man and get to work on his throbbing cock that had more length and girth than mine. I rocked back and forth as he fucked my mouth. As he grew close, he gripped tight and unloaded into my mouth and down my throat. When I'd finished, I stood up and turned away from him, I yanked my shorts down further and backed my ass up to him. Due to the height difference caused by the skates, hid balls were rubbing against my ass. As I braced myself against the sink, he reached around and stroked me off, rubbing my cum on my stomach. I've often thought how I wish I had let him fuck me that day but I enjoyed it nonetheless. I ran in the park several times but never saw him again. :(

Miu747 19th June 2017 01:49 PM

I had lots of fun there once. Much more fun back in the day when a lot of bathrooms didn't have doors on the stalls. Loved to sit on the �� with my pants and underwear down around my ankles and legs spread to show my cock and ass. Good times!��

gigboy 20th July 2018 11:51 AM

In high school, my first encounters with older men were at park rest room while standing at the urinal. At first I was shy/scared, but horny. I just watch guys pull out their cocks, mutual cock play, eventually sucking cocks, sometimes at the urinal or in one of the toilet stalls. I would visit this one tearoom 2 for 3x a week where lots of cruising went on.

jonn3 21st July 2018 01:12 PM

When I was younger there was an old mall and the bathrooms were filled with messages on the stall walls "Meet here Tuesday at 4 for a great blow job" and the like.

I often went to the mall - and always checked out the restroom - but never found anyone there. :-(

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