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Old 13th May 2009, 09:11 PM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 335
Lightbulb Biker trouble in the abs

I was working the late shift at the adult bookstore. It had been quiet for the last hour, and probably wouldn't pick up for a short while. The night stillness was broken by the roar of a motorcycle pulling into the yard.

I noted the driver when he came in and made one quick assessment, rough trade. He was wearing a leather jacket with the logo of one of the local motorcycle gangs known for trouble. His beard stubble was more than five o'clock shadow, a sharp contrast to his bald head. His eyes looked into a troubled soul.

He walked up to the counter asking if we had peep booths. I directed him to the booths in the back and made change for him. I noted his wallet was attached with the standard heavy metal link chain. Actually, close up, his rugged exterior added a definite mystique to his good looks. As he started down to the booth area, he turned and growled "I ain't going to have any fairies bothering me down there." I assured him we required everyone to respect each other's privacy, and cautioned him to just lock his door. I was actually glad there wasn't anybody else in the store. The last thing I wanted was a fight in the booths.

After about ten minutes, I noticed he still had not dropped any money in the slot as the booth monitor at the counter showed no booths running. I walked down to the booth area, and noted he was just sitting there with his door open. I called out "Sir, is there a problem?" He shook his head no. I continued "Well, you have to drop some money in the slot. You can't just loiter in the booths." He looked at me, and then turned around to put a coin in the slot. The booth started, and I went back up front.

His time ran out, and I noted on the monitor that he was delaying again. I waited a good five minutes before going back down. Again, he was sitting there with the door open. I again asked him to put money in the slot. He turned to me on the chair and questioned "What are you going to do if I don't?" This was not my first confrontation with a customer, and I knew not to back down no matter how big they were. I firmly stated "If you loiter in the booths, I'll have to ask you to leave. If you refuse, I'll make you." His eyes twinkled a little, a funny thing to see on that rugged face. He asked "What else do you think you can make me do?" I calmly said "Anything I want."

I walked into the booth and reached for the back of his head intending to pull him up. He slid off the chair and onto his knees. Taking this as a clue, I unzipped my pants. My uncut dick fell out immediately. I pulled the back of his head directly into my crotch. He stubbornly kept his mouth closed. I swung my hips causing my still flaccid dick to slap across his face a couple of times. He opened wide, engulfing my dick. As his tongue probed under my foreskin; my dick began to swell. He weakly struggled against my hand on the back of his head, but I could tell he was getting into it. As my cock reached its full 7" rod, I began shoving in and out of his mouth, face fucking him. He was good, able to take a rod the full length without gagging. He was definitely not a cock sucking virgin.

Teasing him a little, I moved back a short distance to lean against the wall. He scurried right along to follow my dick. I looked down and saw he had drawn out his own dick and was stroking it with one hand while his other kept grabbing for my ass. Not much to boast of, I was sure he wasn't the star attraction at the weekly motorcycle gang bang unless he was the pussy substitute slumped over a bike. I briefly toyed with the idea of pushing him over and fucking his ass myself. I opted for more humiliation instead. I unbuckled my pants letting them fall part way down to my knees. Now his searching hand had full access to my ass. I spun around, and pushed my ass into his face. As a reward I got a hot, wet tongue licking my butt hole. I let this go on for a short while, but I wanted to get my rocks off.

Turning again, I grabbed my dick before he could swallow it. Pulling it up, I told him "Suck my balls, pig." He complied. His tongue, so recently up my ass, lathered my balls with his spit. He took one and then the other ball into his mouth and sucked them. I began to pump my shaft up over his head as he lifted my ball sac seeking the taint between the balls and the ass hole. My prostate responded to his sucking by tightening up and spewing my cum load out on to the top of his bald head. I blew such a load, I was worried I was going to actually pop one of my balls out my dick head. As I leaned back against the wall, he sat back up on the chair and dropped a coin in the booth slot. He turned to look at me. My load was dripping down his face. When it got close enough, he flicked out his tongue to wipe it off. What he couldn't reach with his tongue, he scooped up with his finger and sucked off in his mouth. He turned back to watch the movie as I stumbled out of the booth pulling my pants up as I went.

Just before I got back to the sales counter, one of the nightly regulars came in. He asked if there was any action going on tonight. I told him to check out the biker in booth 5. I told him to be forceful if he wanted a good time, and don't worry the guy was a pussycat. About ten minutes later, I went down to check out the scene. While the door to the booth was closed, they had left the buddy window opened to the adjoining booth. As I looked in, I noted the biker leaning over the chair while the regular pumped his ass with a rapid motion. I thought about joining in. No sense letting that mouth go to waste. However, I knew others would be coming in soon, and I needed to get back to the counter. Nothing worse then to get the action going and have to leave when a customer came in.

Shortly after, the biker came back up and left with a marked limp. The regular followed shortly, giving me a thumbs up as he went out the door. I never saw the biker in the store again, but I'm sure he's still cruising book stores around the country, maybe your favorite store next.
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