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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > Georgia - Atlanta   Roswell Road XXX bookstores SUCK

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Old 3rd May 2008, 10:56 PM
gives N gets GR8 BJ
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Thumbs down Roswell Road XXX bookstores SUCK

Thought I'd check out the 3 Roswell Rd video booth places today since I had not been there in awhile.

Both the Morgan Falls Insurrection and the one near 285 could use a good scrubbing. When was the last time they bought a bottle of 409? I guess they can't clean because the MONITORS are too busy harassing guys to drop their money into the machines.

The next one just inside 285 was a bit cleaner but empty. The MONITOR was reading and didn't monitor. But, the booth I put a $1 in did not even work. Maybe they should lock the door or put an out of order sign on booths that don't work.

Why not just change a $6 fee and let all the booths run continiously....might get more guys into dropping by then.
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