xviewer, your comments are so ridiculous that I don't have time to counter all of the insane points you're trying to make, most of the readers can do that for themselves.
It's truly sad when Americans think that all of our problems with blood thirsty Muslims are all our President's fault. You think that when the Islamic terrorists took hostages at the Munich Olympics in 1972 that GWB had something to do with that? How about the Iran hostage crisis in 1979? Probably some plot by the Bushes to make money off of oil, huh? How about in 1983 when some peace loving Muslims crashed a truck full of explosives into a barracks in Beirut killing 241 sleeping Marines? That was probably because GWB lied about something, everyone knows. And to suggest that GWB caused in some way 911… There are too many instances throughout history of Muslim evil to list. Go here to see if all for yourself. www.crimsonbird.com/terrorism/timeline.htm Why can't you sissy Democrats see that were fighting for our very survival against people who want you dead? Maybe you can sleep at night knowing that Democratic leaders would rather send terrorists a strongly worded letter, but as for me I think God that our President has the balls to fight and defend us. If it weren’t for men throughout history with the guts to defend our nation you'd be living under a German dictator or be calling yourself a British subject. You liberals really scare me. |