Looks like Steam is re-opened. I just got this today. And their web site works, well requires you enter you memeber #
Dear Member, In case you didn't receive our previous email... We are pleased to invite you to visit us at our new location: 814 Marietta St. N.W. - just a few blocks from our old place. click here for a map Our hours are: Wednesday - Sunday 10:00pm - 5:00am Monday & Tuesday CLOSED Don't spend Friday the 13th home alone! Steam ![]()
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It comes up on mine, but you need a login. Hopefully they will change this soon.
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I've long since thrown out my membership card and i don't have that email id anymore.
Hopefully i'm still in their database and can just show my DL when I get there. They made a post on craigslist with their street address. Hopefully they've got all their i's dotted this time around.
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Yes, Steam has reopened. The facility is excellent and a little bigger than before. In many ways it will remind guys of the layout of the old Steam. The only problem at the moment: not enough guys know about it and are showing up. It is at 418 Marietta Street (a few blocks from the old place). The entrance is on the side of the building. The guys who have opened it need our support. Even with a few guys last night it was fun.
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The new place was hard to find at first. It's right before a dance club with tons of neon.
There was almost no one there. Probably half a dozen guys, if that. The layout is OK, but not as much fun as the old Steam. Plus I would hazard to guess that the new place is a little smaller than the old. There's only one video room this time around. There's another area with two vid screens but it's essentially a pass through. I really want Steam to be successful, however, $15 is too much to pay to cruise half a dozen guys and wind up playing pocket pool. When they get the crowds back, then I'll be back. -T.
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The building is cool, yes a bit smaller, no big deal. Nice play areas,
plenty of public and private space. The crowd was horrible. It was as if they advertised at some of the truck warehouses down there: "Truckers, 1 free admisson for every old troll paying full price that you bring in." It was just a quick 15 min. looksee and I was outta there. Oh well, it's near Tech, maybe some horny boys will discover it.
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OK, what's the verdict on Steam? Anyone been since last weekend?
Would it be worth going tonight, or maybe wait a few more weeks until attendance builds? Suggestions, please ... don't want to waste $25 at Steam when I can definitely find what I want at Eros for $15.
No shirt? No shoes? No problem!
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Steam was really very boring!!! I really miss SEMC so much as they were KING at this Game !!! Didn't have to worry about having fun in that place - It was Killa @
The old Steam had a better layout than the new place. Can we ask for more open areas.......Why must every door have a lock. And if there is a hole in the door something is stuffed in the hole. SEMC had so much to offer. Enough of memory lane I know.....Guess I should not compare Steam to them but hey, I was charged $25 to get in so I expected to be pleased!!! A sex club needs more open areas, you know exibionist style can we say. Doesn't matter wanted to see what Steam had to offer. Won't be paying that entry fee for a good long time ! They need more interesting areas for play. Even the stirrups gated area had a lock, Geez Man :-((( My money was wasted I'm afraid..........Just my opinion............ ![]()
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You know, I realize everybody's got their likes and dislikes but I can't , for the life of me, understand somebody going to a sex club and stuffing something in a hole so that others can't see them getting it on. Don't these guys know what a turn-on it is to be watched? They ought to try it sometime.
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