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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > Georgia   Why did everyone leave?

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Old 6th September 2006, 06:44 PM
GayWillow's Avatar
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Question Why did everyone leave?

So I am sitting in my vehicle in a public park/boat ramp parking lot with 6 more vehicles. All have someone in them all guys cruising. Suddenly a cop drives in and sounds a cyrine. Everyone cranks up and drives out immediently but me. So the cop just sits there a few minutes then he drives behind my vehicle and stops. Then he starts driving back and forth then drives off to the exit of this place. He sits at the stop exit for like 20 minutes. Cuts on his blue lights then sounds the cyrine again. I am still parked sitting in my vehicle and I never leave because I don't consider meeting another guy with my pants up a crime at a public place that my tax dollars keep up. Why did everyone leave but me??? Is there a law against sitting in a vehicle fully clothed in a public park/boat ramp area in Georgia??
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Old 8th September 2006, 07:28 PM
SouthsideCouple's Avatar
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Dont Know!

Theres a park near us that the police have been harassing and we pulled in and a cop came flying in behind us, (Which we didnt see him pull in), and went the other way round the circle as we were driving by the 4 cars that were parked and as I looked up was heading right for us. We stopped and made him get back on the right side of the drive and went to a parking space. We got out to walk our dog and he parked right by the other guys. Three of the 4 took off like a bat out of a cave at midnight. The other one stayed a little and left. To me running makes you look worse than if you stay and enjoy the park. As you said there is no law against being there sitting in your car. I hear they are really harassing guys there and see the police there quite often. Guys should meet there, get out of their cars, walk around, chat, sit at the picnic table and chill, not run away. Election years are always bad though for this type of harassment.
Plays well with others!
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Old 9th September 2006, 05:24 PM
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Lightbulb MIDGET TOO:

Hey Willow please email me............ Midget here too. Coming to GA soon.
Thanks. . . .
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Old 9th September 2006, 09:11 PM
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 23
Re: Dont Know!

Originally posted by SouthsideCouple
To me running makes you look worse than if you stay and enjoy the park.
What is worse :" Being further from a standard; less desirable or satisfactory" this mode amongst the people should not be! Gay and cruising is not wrong! This is a free country I think and we have the right to meet other adult people!
If you think gays, lesbians and bisexuals choose their sexual orientation, ask yourself when you chose yours. If you are heterosexual did you wake one morning and decide that you were going to fall in love with someone of the opposite sex? Did you decide that you would be attracted to the opposite sex? Did someone recruit you as a heterosexual? Gays, lesbians and bisexuals do not choose their orientation any more than do heterosexuals. Studies consistently demonstrate that the problems gays face are caused by the attitudes and behaviors of society at large, not by sexual orientation
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