Social Group
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Cumdumps in Rochester NY
This group is for cumdumps, as well as guys who love to share and breed wet holes in Rochester area. It would be great if we can set up a party here on a regular basis , inviting a couple of cumdumps and 8-10 breeders to take turns to work on their holes at a local motel/hotel. Leave your preferred role, stats, and email here for future invitation.
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Cumdumps in Rochester NY
This group is for cumdumps, as well as guys who love to share and breed wet holes in Rochester area. It would be great if we can set up a party here on a regular basis , inviting a couple of cumdumps and 8-10 breeders to take turns to work on their holes at a local motel/hotel. Leave your preferred role, stats, and email here for future invitation.