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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > Illinois - Chicagoland   almost fed up

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Old 10th February 2010, 01:13 AM
Join Date: Aug 2008
Posts: 42
almost fed up

Can I ask experienced cruisers out here, specifically the ones familiar with Galaxy and Manheim. Okay, now I play well with others. How do you get a troll to stop bothering you< when you are in a both having fun already?

Last time I went to Galaxy, some asshole kept just thrusting his cock through the hole< while I was getting blown. Then, he stuck his whole damn arm through the hole to try and grab me while I was blowing the guy in my booth. He never stuck his finger through. I told him no several times. How do you stop such aggressive fucks? I will say this, if I am in a booth with a hole, and a cock just plunges through> Nope, dont care how nice a cock it is, which it never is. I only respond to the finger invitation, and do that myself.

Guys, please help me out on this. How can we stop aggressive guys who just assume you will suck it when you push it through?
Next, if a guy puts his finger through the hole, and motions to put it through, then do something with it. I had a guy do that, I slowly put it through the hole, and he pushed his cock in to mine, and forced his through the hole. WTF? Tell me good times to go. The last two weeks I went, I ran in to problems.

Some one PLEASE help!
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Old 10th February 2010, 11:52 AM
Join Date: Nov 2006
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Originally Posted by bbsckbottom View Post
Can I ask experienced cruisers out here, specifically the ones familiar with Galaxy and Manheim. Okay, now I play well with others. How do you get a troll to stop bothering you< when you are in a both having fun already?

Last time I went to Galaxy, some asshole kept just thrusting his cock through the hole< while I was getting blown. Then, he stuck his whole damn arm through the hole to try and grab me while I was blowing the guy in my booth. He never stuck his finger through. I told him no several times. How do you stop such aggressive fucks? I will say this, if I am in a booth with a hole, and a cock just plunges through> Nope, dont care how nice a cock it is, which it never is. I only respond to the finger invitation, and do that myself.

Guys, please help me out on this. How can we stop aggressive guys who just assume you will suck it when you push it through?
Next, if a guy puts his finger through the hole, and motions to put it through, then do something with it. I had a guy do that, I slowly put it through the hole, and he pushed his cock in to mine, and forced his through the hole. WTF? Tell me good times to go. The last two weeks I went, I ran in to problems.

Some one PLEASE help!
I am a voyeur so I enjoy someone watching and am a slut so I will suck anything as long as it looks somewhat healthy. I understand what you are saying, but some people just don't understand the word NO.
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Old 10th February 2010, 12:24 PM
Join Date: May 2002
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Pinch it! That has worked for me in the past!
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Old 10th February 2010, 02:35 PM
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Yeah, it is annoying. The mean side of me likes jonwill's suggestion to pinch the damn thing.

I just wish more of these places would take an idea I've seen used in a handful of places: put something in place that allows you to seal a hole so the guy on the other side is cut off. That would work, too.
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Old 10th February 2010, 11:33 PM
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I did try that, and it did not work. I also smashed the chair in to the cock, pulled hard on the nuts sac and squeezed. Hell I even tried just walking out of the booth. All that did was allow him to follow me to another booth and do the same shit. When they stick their arm through, un-invited, I do try to twist it. This kind of mentality freaks me out. Is someone that aggressive a "would be rapist?" I will just walk out and find a booth that locks, or just leave altogether. With aggressive behavior like this, it will only be a matter of time before the fun is ruined.
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Old 10th February 2010, 11:48 PM
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I'm not sure that kind of behavior is going to do anything other than get you removed from the premises. When I've been in that kind of situation I've made it clear to the person very loudly that I wasn't interested. Embarrassing them in front of everyone usually works. Even if they exit the room shit-talking me, at least they're gone.
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Old 25th February 2010, 08:08 PM
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Try telling the attendant. The Mannheim attendants can be bitches but it can't hurt to try. Personally, I plug money in the machine, pull my pants up and sit and watch vids. They eventually move on.
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Old 25th February 2010, 11:26 PM
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Thanks for the help

Well, a few days ago, ran in to the same aggressive troll. This time, he stretched his arm trhrough the hole, and, well, got it stuck. I laughed to myself, and just walked out. Anyway, besides that, I have had no problems since posting this on here. just once, and like I said, he got stuck. by the way, the staff I had run in to at Manheim seems cool if you are respectful, drop money when crowded, or just stay out of sight if you are alone, or only one of two guys. Limits have to be respected. So thanks guys, thanks for all the help, and tips.
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Old 7th March 2010, 09:21 AM
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LMAO his arm got stuck in the hole! The really old geezers never leave me alone there, one time I asked one if he was my congressman (everybody laughed he left). It's too bad since this place is one of the few remaining with consistent GH action, the trolls scare away what would otherwise be a nonstop business...
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