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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > Illinois   Role play blow job..

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Old 2nd May 2006, 03:42 PM
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 56
Role play blow job..

anyone interested in giving me a nice wet blow job in a role play. IIt would be as follows. I have been out running and come back into my garage to rest. im resting on the floor when you come in and ask for directions. I get up and tell you where it is your looking for when you pull out a weapon(finger) and tell me to turn around and put my hands on my head. You then go over and close the garage door and then come back over to me. You then put my hands on the work bench and frisk me. Telling me not to turn around you proceed to take my shorts all the way off. You see i have no underware on. You tell me how hot i am standing there in a shirt and socks and no pants. You then go to work on my ass with your tongue, tickleing my balls as you eat my hot ass. You then turn me around and tell me to spread them. You then go down on my cock and balls for a very long time until you get my sweet load down your mouth.
Suck my cock anytime
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