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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > Illinois   Steamworks and couple questions

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Old 4th May 2006, 10:50 PM
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 1
Question Steamworks and couple questions

Hey guys. I'm 21 slim. WIll be visiting Chicago area May8th for a week. Just looking for some action. Found that steamworks looks pretty hot. I read a few reviews, however there are not many of them.
What is the usual crowd in there? I mean the age? Is there anyone my age? What will be the best day to go? anything to do there on monday/tuesday?
I'm also staying not in Chicago itself, but in ROsemont. Any action there?
THank u so much for the reply.
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Old 6th May 2006, 12:14 PM
Join Date: Jan 2001
Posts: 13

The average age at Steamworks depends on when you go. Guys in your age group are more likely to be there late night on weekends, i.e. 12 am-5am, when the bars on Halsted are closing. Otherwise, the crowd is usually in the 30-45 age range. And even in the late night time period, there will still be a lot of guys over 30 there.

Rosemont is a small suburb near O'Hare airport with a lot of hotels and not much else. I'm sure there are some bookstores out that way, and a bar or two in other nearby suburbs, but I don't know the area at all. You're better off coming into the city. When you do, pick up a Gay Chicago magazine at one of the bars or Steamworks. Check the ads and the bar listings section for info on which bars are hopping on any given night of the week.

Although some of the best weeknight bars are in other neighborhoods, I'm sure you can find something going on in Boys Town, and there you have the advantage of having a dozen places within walking distance of each other, all pretty much on the same street.
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Old 7th May 2006, 11:31 AM
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Steamworks is fairly busy during weekdays also. There is a much greater mix of people during the day, but you will find people your age there too. I understand that Mondays, in particular, are good because it is a day off for many.
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Old 11th May 2006, 10:50 AM
Join Date: Oct 2002
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Steamworks On Monday Afternoon

GroupSexLover is absolutely right!! Weekdays at Steamworks are fairly busy! And the best day is Monday!! Usually starts to pick up around 12Noon and it gets pretty busy during the whole afternoon late evening! I have had great times on Mondays!! I don't know why, but the Mondays crowd is totally different than any other day, I mean, we all know that there is a lot of standing & modeling at Steamworks, however on Mondays guys are there to have fun!!! Plus there's a lot of group sex!! I just love Mondays at Steamworks!
Don't do with you hand what you can better with your mouth!
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