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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > Illinois   Outgoing Exobishionists For Fun! (M/F/TG/TS/TV/ANYONE!)

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Old 27th July 2006, 12:14 PM
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 2
Outgoing Exobishionists For Fun! (M/F/TG/TS/TV/ANYONE!)

Are you a male, female, TG, TS,TV exobishionist? Have some girl or guy friends that you love to get together with and let it all hang out? Then maybe we can help each other out here, I have always wanted to video tape people doing sexy and naughty things by themselves or with others (only legal stuff here, not secret voyeur or anything illegal like that) if you are interested we could meet up, hang out for a bit see if the vibe is right then I can break out my video camera and you (or you and your friends) can do your thing. I don’t see myself joining in on the action, but if we all feel open to it then who knows where it can go.

After we have finished I can either give you a copy of the tape (it would be recorded on digital video cassette) or dump it onto DVD if you like. I am not looking to sell these tapes, it’s just something to do for fun and to help everyone get off. I will also never show these tapes to anyone, they are just for me, you, and whoever you bring along to know about.

If you are interested in talking more about this fetish get in touch with me, the only thing that I ask is that you are over 18 years of age and are able to prove it with some form of ID.

Hope to hear from ya real soon!!!
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