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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > Illinois   Mans World

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Old 30th August 2006, 09:12 AM
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 33
Mans World

Since Mans World is closing in September, the only places left are Steamworks and Mans Country. Since most of the men who go to Mans World are older and and often are overweight, where would they tend to go. There is a definate void with the closing of Mans World. Any one have any thoughts on this?
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Old 4th September 2006, 11:18 AM
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 9
Good question

I myself am a I'm 31 5'2 250lbs guy and have never been accepted at Steamworks or Mans Country. People on here have told me that it my problems because "...I'm a short fat fuck", "..."I'm a digusting pig", " one will ever want to be with you". Ive been told I have a cute face and I am a very good bottom. Where do we go???
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Old 7th September 2006, 11:53 AM
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 1

Hey here's a thought... How about making a commitment to your health by finding a gym with a nutritionist and personal trainer. Jesus guy, you're only 31? I really don't mean to sound harsh but you look more like 51! If you want wide spread acceptance, with some effort and self-discipline you CAN have it. Give it a shot and good luck...
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