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Old 26th October 2006, 09:45 PM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 4

Could anyone that's been to Steamworks lately give me a rundown of what the facilities are like now? Especially after the 3rd floor was redone. Haven't been in a couple of years and planning a return visit next month. Do they still have very many gloryholes?
Thank you.
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Old 29th October 2006, 10:21 AM
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 4

There's been a couple of remodels of the third floor that I recall.

When I first went to Steamworks, the third floor was almost entirely glory hole maze with a few private rooms. There were a few open floor-level beds and a couple enclosed three-level bunk beds where the bottom two levels were enclosed except for a small port to crawl into, and the top level was completely open to the ceiling. I liked the lower level of those since they were quite secluded from most casual onlookers - a fun place to hang out and get fucked. Also, there was the three-level bunk bed with the chain-link fence enclosing the one side. Just outside of that was an open area with a sling.

A couple/few years ago, they ripped out most of the original glory-hole maze and replaced it with two rows of glory-hole booths/stalls and a single bunk bed. The open area with the sling outside of the chain-link fence enclosed bunk was replaced with another double-row of glory-hole booths/stalls.

This year, the open area with the double bunk and glory hole booths got replaced with a slightly raised path with enclosed floor-level paths on either side of the raised path. There are glory holes from the raised path into the covered paths so that a guy can stand on the raised path and get sucked off by a guy in the covered paths. Also, there are a few private nooks/stalls in the covered paths. The area by the chain-link fence enclosed bunks with the double row of glory-hole booths has remained unchanged.

I think the private rooms have remained the same in number and arrangement through all the remodels.
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Old 30th October 2006, 10:19 PM
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 33
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I am going tomorrow night! I am REALLY looking forward to parking my mouth on the gloryholes.

I want to suck some cum and get my ass royally fucked!

See you guys on Halloween.
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