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Old 30th June 2006, 07:26 AM
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 15
Shipboard Cruising / Cock Sucking

I am going on a cruise in mid July, 2,300 passengers onboard.
There's gotta be some men that want their cock sucked.
Has anyone had success hooking up while on a cruise??
If so please let me know where I can cruise onboard and what your experience was. Looking forwarding to hearing from you.
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Old 3rd July 2006, 10:46 AM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 103

Yes, definitley check out the sauna and steam room.

If you go the "special interests and discussions" forum, there is a forum called "cruising the high seas". Here is what I posted awhile back.

<<<<<9 cruises .....
and I hooked up on all but one. That was the Empress, smallest in the fleet and not condusive to cruising.

I work out in the gym around 3:00 then head to the locker/wet area and hang out for an hour to hour and half. Almost always score.

Hooked up with both passengers and crew (same crew member on two different ships once!). Always in the wet area. Look for guys who stay more than half an hour and/or go back and forth from sauna to steam to shower and then start over. Look for the usual signs....fleeting eye contact, glances at the crotch, semi erectness, tugging on the cock, rearranging the balls, ect. When I see this, I recipricate and if the other guy follows suit, I next show a hard on or a at least a semi. That usually a dead give away. My observation is guys in the nude MAY be cruising. Guys in a towel or shorts never are. And there are tons of married bi guys, like myself.

Only once got invited to a cabin, that was by a guest performer who had a single.

And yeah, those showers on the Radiance class ships are wonderful for putting on a show or watching one.>>>>

Since posting that message, I have been on cruise # 10. Hooked up with a huge dicked (black) dancer in the steam room. I was lying naked on my towel with eyes closed. Heard him come in and when I glanced over at him a minute later, he was showing a nice semi hard-on. We were being pested by a troll, so the dancer took me to a little used handicap restroom on deck 2. Big, private....locking door. We had a great time.

Like I said in the past. If guys in the suana aren't naked, they probably aren't looking to hook-up. But just because a guy is nude doesn't mean he is cruising. The European custom is to sit nude on a towel, weather staight or gay, and that doesn't, by itself, mean they are looking to hook-up.

Hope you have fun. My next cruise is in October to the Mediterranean and those Europeans are a lot more liberal when it comes to sexual adventures

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