I will be in town from July 8-13, staying at a hotel close to the convention center. During that time, I would very much like to host several oral service get-togethers in my hotel room. Late evenings and early mornings will be best. I am also available for one-on-one servicing, looking to give you the best oral orgasm you've had in a month. If you're at all interested, please send me an email (contact information is in the profile). Looking forward to some wonderful experiences in Indy. chicagoservicemaster
chicagoservicemaster in exile: 5'5", dark br hair (thick, cut short), hazel eyes (glasses),clean-shaven, clean-cut, very Irish-looking (fair skin, freckles, mostly red body hair); moderately hairy; muscular thighs, calves, ass, back; stocky build (170#); hung short (5 1/2", cut, a little thicker than average, red bush, big, low-hanging balls). I'm 54.
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The hotel is the Radisson Hotel City Center Indianapolis. I've received several inquiries from interested men who wanted some outline of what goes on at an oral service get-together. Oral service get-togethers work like this: (1) you knock on my door; I let you in. (2) you remove as much of your clothing as you feel comfortable with (most guys strip naked), and find a place to sit or stand. (3) I suck on you to welcome you. That then leaves you free to do any of the following: (1) sit/lean and wait for me to come back & suck/rim you; (2) sit down next to someone else and start feeling him up or making out with him, if he's into it; (3) start sucking some cock yourself. The only negatives are: (1) no alcohol, smoking, or drugs (poppers ok if you bring); (2) if someone says "no," you accept and move on. In the past, there has been a "no fucking" rule. I have reconsidred this. If you want to fuck, and if you find a partner at the gathering who wants to fuck that will be ok if you have provided yourself with lubricant and with a condom. No barebacking permitted at all. We've gathered (in Chicago, Cleveland, and DC) with as few as five and as many as twenty at one time; numbers are hard to predict. But the chemistry is almost always good, and no one goes away horny. Please contact me via email or pvt message. The contact information is in my profile.
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My plane arrives at the Indianapolis airport at 7:00 p.m. Sunday evening. As soon as I can get there, I'll check into the Radisson City Center and then post on here about schedules and such. Looking forward to orally servicing the hot men of Indy! chicagoservicemaster
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