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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > Iowa   Hotel Sex Party tonight/Sunday

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Old 22nd January 2006, 08:55 AM
Join Date: Apr 2002
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Hotel Sex Party tonight/Sunday

Hi, the party is on and there are no limits so long as the others agree. The only requirement is for respect for the others. If someone says no, then move on. The party is at the Country Inn and Suites in Clive off of University just west of I-35. For security purposes, I cannot give exact hotel room in this email. If you are planning on attending look for the big white GMC pickup in the parking lot. The room number will be on the dash of the truck. Please be discreet when you enter the hotel. Do not join a bunch of guys and come to the room, try to stagger arrivals at the door so we do not attract attention. Also, If you bring your towel or playthings, be sure to use a bag. It would look weird for some guy to walk into a hotel with his towel over his shoulder or a dildo in his hand. No refreshments will be supplied so if you want any, bring your own. No drugs and no smoking in the room at all.. The room is on the second floor and the best way to enter is through the main lobby. Once you enter and pass the desk, you will see the stairway. Go directly up the stairway and turn right towards the room. If you look like you belong you will probably not be questioned. If hotel staff questions you, just say you are attending a meeting in John Daniels's room. So far we have about 15 guys that have said they will be here. My experience is that about half of the guys that say they will attend will actually show up. I did a party in Syracuse NY where 25 guys attended and another in Minneapolis had 5. Both parties were lots of fun for all attendees. Hope to see you there. And, remember, this is supposed to be a fun event. Keep the attitude light. If you are nervous or if this is your first such event do not worry, each of us had a first time at a group party. You can sit back and watch until you become comfortable, but please do not plan on being a lurker. Lots of guys feel uncomfortable "performing". Also, everyone will be required to remove their clothes at least down to underwear. If items of clothes are a turn on for you, like jocks or briefs or t-shirts, that's ok. But no one will be allowed to sit and watch and stay fully clothed. Some guys asked if they could bring a guest. Of course you can, so long as he is over 18 and knows and is willing to follow these few rules of decorum. While I personally have no objection to women attending, for the sake of everyone, women are not invited and will not be admitted. Looking forward to seeing you and having some fun.
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Old 24th January 2006, 08:42 AM
Join Date: Aug 2000
Posts: 8
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curious how this turned out?
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Old 25th January 2006, 02:27 PM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 3
Well dammit

I know you tried ti get ahold of me. I am in Omaha right now and tried to reach ya through Gay /Out /Adut sites but with noo luck

Hope it was fun and wish I was there

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