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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > Iowa   Field house summer action

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Old 6th July 2006, 07:15 PM
Join Date: Mar 2005
Posts: 8
Field house summer action

tonight I checked out the Field House at the UofI for the first time, around 5:30.... just wondering when the best times are to cruise. I've heard about the sauna but was surprised at the large windows. Is this where some action takes place? I can also imagine hookups in the back showers. Would appreciate so expertise as to some whens/hows to meet there. thanx
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Old 7th July 2006, 05:59 PM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 6

there have been very few times that i've been to the field house where i couldn't hookup if i wanted to ... at all times ... from opening @ 8am to closing. as anywhere, the key is eye contact and occasionally "adjusting yourself" a bit longer than norm. conversation works well esp if the guy is trimmed below and you make note of it. if nothing else, that's an ice breaker! if someone of interest leaves and heads to the back area to shower / cool off, give a few minutes and follow going the other way around and showering off as well. some guyz "cool off" by the lockers in the back, usually a good sign that they are wanting to play. as for the windowed sauna, i've witnessed major action!

have fun! and let us know!
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Old 22nd July 2006, 11:03 PM
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 2

Man, that sounds like a lot of work just for some sex. At least at the bookstore you don't have to play games like that.
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Old 23rd July 2006, 03:44 PM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 6

very true but at least for me, sitting in the sauna looking at the many different naked bodies coming in and going out, catching the eye and hopefully dick of a guy builds unbelievable sexual tension! the best analogy would be fishing .... one doesn't go fishing JUST to catch fish, if that were the case, it'd be much more easier, cheaper and dependable just going to HyVee and buying it. it is the process one goes through, at times successful and at other times unsucessful, that makes it fun. even if i end up soloing in the shower, if i've seen some nice dick, flirted a bit and had a good sweat in the sauna, it's good!
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