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Message Board > Our Archives > June-September 00: Longest Ever Road Trip!   Summer 2000 Road Trip: Week One, Entry One

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Old 11th June 2000, 07:36 PM
Posts: n/a
Cool Summer 2000 Road Trip: Week One, Entry One


Where to begin? Why go on the road for 4 months? Didn't I just move to New Orleans? Why am I leaving my new home so quickly?

I thought up this idea of an extended road trip at the same time I made my decision to move to New Orleans in early 2000. Having spent last August in New Orleans, I was clear about one thing: if I could avoid spending summers in New Orleans I'd be much happier in my new home. For those of you who may not be familiar with a New Orleans summer, let me just say one thing: swampland. New Orleans is located right in the middle of swamp and were it not for modern day advances in things like bug control and air conditioning, it would be as uninhabitable in 2000 as it had been for years after Europeans settled here. I'm only doing what the privileged classes of New Orleans have traditionally done: fleeing the swamps when the summer heat sets in.

The timing also coincided with a major change in the way operates. After 5 years of doing this by myself, I've hired an assistant who does much of the updating for the Sex Listings, eliminating a sizeable amount of my weekly work (and making users happy since my assistant will be much more consistent than I ever was).

My work shifts now to more 'field research' -- in other words, the fun part of being the Cruisemaster. I'll have more time to check out the sex scene around the world and share my observations here at I'll also be conducting the field work required to find and photograph men around the globe. The success of the World Wide Web has made it possible for men all over the place, not just southern California, to gain widespread exposure. And as we all know and appreciate, there are some very fine male specimens who never make it out to southern California but who want to show the world what they got.

One of my goals this summer is to launch new websites that will show off the work of photographers I've met around the world, not to mention to show off my own work with sexy men met during these road trips. More about these new websites later, but last weekend, to say farewell to New Orleans, I managed to get two of the dancers at TT's (my favorite strip bar in New Orleans) to put on a private show for my camera. You will see much, much more of these guys when I launch the new websites, but I wanted to share with you two of the finest specimens I've met in New Orleans.


[Cruisemaster note: These journal entries are normally placed online weekends. I make no promises, however, about getting them posted regularly. This is a real road trip and sometimes my 'field research' gets in the way of writing down what I discover along the road.]

[This message has been edited by Keith (edited June 11, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Keith (edited June 11, 2000).]
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Old 13th June 2000, 12:52 PM
Posts: n/a

Can NOT wait for these sites.
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