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Message Board > Special Interest Forums & Discussion Groups > Legal Issues for Cruisers   Pentagon Study out of the closet

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Old 30th November 2010, 12:56 PM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 335
Exclamation Pentagon Study out of the closet

Pentagon study dismisses risk of openly gay troops - Road Runner

The long awaited US Military report on the effects of allowing openly gay people serve in the military has been leaked. Surprise, it finds that gays and lesbians do NOT poise a risk to the US defensive ability. The Pentagon sent out a half million questionnaires, and processed almost 200,000 responses. 70 percent felt that repeal of "don't ask, don't tell" would have mixed effects, good effects or no effects. Only 30 percent felt there would be a negative effect. 90 of respondents who have served with a service member they thought was gay reported the ability of their unit to work together was average, good or very good. Among those in combat roles, the negative responses rose to 40 percent. Among Marines in combat assignments, it rose to 58 percent.

Military commanders expressed the belief that gays and lesbians in service have the same desire to fit in and serve their country as heterosexual members. The commanders also noted that gay service members asked for no special treatment, just wanted the rules applied fairly to all.

Democrats have tried to repeal "don't ask, don't tell", but the bill it is attached to is currently being blocked by the Republicans. This new report might add more strength to the repeal movement. In addition, Republicans will no longer be able to lobby to wait for the report before making a change.
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