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Message Board > Special Interest Forums & Discussion Groups > Legal Issues for Cruisers   Scam alert

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Old 17th January 2014, 06:43 PM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 335
Exclamation Scam alert

As the manager for several adult bookstores, I make it a habit to keep an eye on the competition for trends and new products. This includes checking out adult movie sites for trailers and previews on new titles and to see what is hot in sales and action. I never hide this fact, but I'm sure many people do.

Trying to take advantage of peoples fear of being outed as a porn watcher, there is a new scam making the rounds. You might click on an available movie and suddenly a page pops up warning that you have been caught watching banned videos (ie, underage, zoophilia, etc.) or for violations of copyright laws. The page then goes on to warn you of the severe penalties (prison time and/or large fines) for such offenses. It lists all the various US and international laws they claim you violated.

The page warns your computer has been frozen as an act of seizure by the FBI. In order to free your computer and avoid further action, you are instructed to send $300 in a Money Pak within 7 days to clear your name. It even provides genuine logos from places like WalMart, CVS and 7-11 as places to get the Money Pak. It then provides information on how to communicate the Money Pak number to them so they can obtain the cash. To further enforce the image in your mind, your computer will not allow you to leave the page or close the window.

Be realistic, even if you were watching improper (in some people's mind) videos on-line; the FBI is not going to "forgive" your crime in exchange for a payoff! If you get the pop-up, report it <policesitewatch <dot> org) to your local FBI office.

To free your computer, go to Task Master. In Windows, click CTRL+ALT+DEL all at the same time. Go down the list of active processes until you find your browser. Select it and hit "END PROCESS". The window will slam shut on these crooks.

I posted snapshots of the page below, but had to cut it up in part to capture it and could not remove the overlaying pop-up.
Click image for larger version

Name:	FBI1.jpg
Views:	190
Size:	13.0 KB
ID:	42401

Click image for larger version

Name:	FBI2.jpg
Views:	217
Size:	12.1 KB
ID:	42402

Click image for larger version

Name:	FBI3.jpg
Views:	201
Size:	10.3 KB
ID:	42403
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Old 22nd January 2014, 12:47 PM
Join Date: Feb 2001
Posts: 886

Thanks for posting this - our local news has been warning of this scam but it is nice that you went into detail of how to get out of it should it happen to me.
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Old 1st February 2014, 10:39 PM
KewlDewd66's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 400

An established and known legal office in Germany came into the possession of the browsing histories of tens of thousands of people who were watching RedTube... So, those guys sent them letters (real snail mail) saying that they were violating the copyright laws, etc., should pay thousands of EURos in indemnities, and what not?

Nope. This did not fly either. Shaming and scaring do not work the same way they used a while ago.

It looks like that the legal office will be soon losing its license...

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