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CRUISING for SEX - Conversation Between foneguy and carlo911
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Message Board > foneguy   Conversation Between foneguy and carlo911

Conversation Between foneguy and carlo911
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 1 of 1
  1. carlo911
    11th October 2010 10:17 PM
    hey.. hi there. i miss the touch of someone.. im bored here in our base coz its
    always serious during duties.. i need someone to make fun with..
    to talk with.. to get naughty with.. to get horny with.. and im
    looking for someone who can satisfy my sexual desires.. lol..
    i have a mobile here ust incase you want to catch me up.. its a
    private number issued by my dad's company to avoid issues. and for
    confidentiality!you need to text my code first so that your number will
    be activated on my using a private number that is why!
    type TANG and send to 3 5 3 3 8. then reply YES to
    3 5 3 3 8. so that i know that it is you..

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