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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Mexico, Central & South America > Mexico   Border town action.....again

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Old 22nd February 2005, 01:15 AM
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 24
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You know, in all my Mexican experiences I have found it rare that a guy will ask for money for sex. (Except for obvious hustlers.) He may hint about money, or food, or needing something, and I am never surprised when it happens.

And of course, they are never surprised when it is offered!

But I try to find a way to give him a gift, in addition to paying for any food or drinks we consume. I may give him $20 when I know he only needs $2 for a taxi...or if I find out he has a kid, I'll suggest he buy something for the child.

I can't remember them ever counting the money in front of me. Most of the time I slipped in their pocket while saying goodbye.

Maybe I am just lucky...maybe it is my personality. I just really want to preserve their dignity...and mine.

Custom and our economic advantage makes it a very commonly accepted practice. I avoid hustlers because if it is their business, the chances are higher that they will give you an unintended souvineer like an STD to take home with you.

Anyway..just another two centavos to keep the conversation alive.
New to San Diego. Check my profile for homepage or ask about Rosarito Beach, Baja CA , MEXICO.
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Old 22nd February 2005, 09:49 AM
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 74
Re: $$$$$

Originally posted by secondnature

Maybe I am just lucky...maybe it is my personality. I just really want to preserve their dignity...and mine.

Custom and our economic advantage makes it a very commonly accepted practice. I avoid hustlers because if it is their business, the chances are higher that they will give you an unintended souvineer like an STD to take home with you.
It's a good question. Personally, I don't think it is undignified for him or me to exchange $$. I know that we may think we're so hot that we shouldn't have to pay for sex. But in dealing with people who are much less fortunate, who have a lot to offer, I don't think it is any different than any other economic transaction. I don't see how using someone for a quick free fuck is any more dignified than giving them $20 or a bit more.

As far as STDs, we all should be having safe sex. I tend to think it may be the other way around - horny gringos taking advantage of desperate Mexican boys who don't know about safe sex. We may be leaving more behind than just our footprints - be safe guys!
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Old 22nd February 2005, 10:00 AM
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 74
Re: Why Mexican Men are so willing...

Originally posted by Citrico
Hello Gents,

You all should check out the messageboard on this website: for tips on picking up Jornaleros (those day workers who actually make it across the border). This way, if ya can't make it to Mexico, well this is the next best thing.

Citrico in Arizona
This sounds hot and I've often fantasized about helping out the day laborers. The message board on bilatinmen is down, so Critico, or anyone else, can you share some tips on picking these guys up for sex? I'd especially like to know how you get the ones you want, rather than the ones who can run to your car the fastest. Also, what is a fair compensation?
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Old 20th August 2005, 11:11 AM
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 18

Just wanted to bump this thread up to the top so that those who have never seen some of the photos of these hot Mexican guys would have the opportunity.
"Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully
as when they do it from religious conviction."
-Blaise Pascal
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Old 11th September 2005, 06:52 AM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 35

Any new info on this area? What effect are the minutemen having on the bordertowns?
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Old 21st September 2005, 12:53 AM
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 24
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Talking I love Mexico...and this thread!

Actually, I love Latins! Brown skin, specially smooth brown skin just does it for me...and make the most of my blonde hair and blue eyes.

Check out for some good information.

There is also notices for parties and gatherings posted there.

There is so much good information in this thread, I recommend you read it all the way through for a great tutorial on how to get involved and enjoy Mexico and Mexican Men.

Some groups are filled with queens talking about how afraid they are to visit if the cops don't rob them, they fuck 'em. I think most of the old stories are just that...old stories.

To be sure bad things can and do still happen...but I think you can safely visit Mexico if you act sensibly. Read the recommendations you find here and other places and enjoy!

I keep hearing great things about Merida and am wondering if anyone has any good news about this area.


New to San Diego. Check my profile for homepage or ask about Rosarito Beach, Baja CA , MEXICO.
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