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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Mexico, Central & South America > Mexico   Border town action.....again

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Old 5th July 2004, 06:24 AM
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Just a bumbo to keep this thread alive. Some good info located here
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Old 14th July 2004, 07:21 AM
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A home town find here in Torreón

Not only was he great sex, but he is also bilingual and refused to accept any money at all.
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Old 16th July 2004, 09:49 PM
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Why Mexican Men are so willing...

Hello Gents,

It appears, that most fellas here are Gueros, or Gueritos. How about a latin fella's perspective on the sexual availability of mexican men. I was born in Arizona but my parents, both sides from Mexico. I travel often and have had many an adventure in this beautifully poor but delicious country.

Mexican men are so promiscuous because it is a primarily Catholic country. Theoretically women are respected and sexuality so repressed that men gravitate towards one-another to relieve themselves of their abundance of "Machote."

There is a saying in Spanish, "In a man's life there is always at least one maricon." I have often heard this repeated in the bars, clubs and among straight mexican friends.

You all should check out the messageboard on this website: for tips on picking up Jornaleros (those day workers who actually make it across the border). This way, if ya can't make it to Mexico, well this is the next best thing.

Here in Arizona, you can pick up tons of jornaleros in Chandler (Chandler Boulevard near the Circle K on the west side of the street, actually from city hall all the way south on this road), Phoenix (HOME DEPOTS), although there is an art to it.

Some of the best sex. Uninhibited for the most part and some of the biggest bottoms are the real "machotones," that come across as tough but in reality are dying for a little lengua up their tercer ojito.

Citrico in Arizona
"The darker the berries, the sweeter the juice."
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Old 17th July 2004, 02:56 PM
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Thank you Citrico for your input. I am a latino of a certain age and have always luvvvvved my fellow latinos. BUTTTTT in many latin countries, including Mexico, if I am cruising together with a guero friend, I definitely lose out. I find it amazing the passion that so many latinos have for gueros. I guess the grass is always greener on the other side.

Of course this has never deterred me and I am always venturing down to the countries south of the border. I especially enjoy those, out of the way, beaches, and local neighborhood bars. But that is a thread for another time.

Thank you, once again Citrico and hopefully will try PHX soon, am off to Tijuana this weekend.
"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness."
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Old 19th July 2004, 10:17 AM
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Sites for action in Mexico

The previous poster is correct that almost everyone on here is either gringo or at least living in the US. There is very little chance of finding a guy in Mexico with whom to hook up when you are on vacation because it seems the guys down there just dont come to this site for a variety of reasons.

I was recently in Mexico City, Veracruz and Cuernavaca for two weeks. I posted an ad at before I left. When I checked the messages two days later I had seventy responses. I met several of the guys-in fact had an orgy in my hotel room in central Mexico City with a few guys that responded to my ad.

I have had good luck with this site (CFS) when seeking sex in the US but for Mexico the sergay site is far far superior.

A few have written to me about my trip. I will post a long description of it soon-when I have time.....I just don't know if I should post it here on the Mexico site or under the JO section....since it is definately a JO description...LOL
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Old 28th July 2004, 11:54 AM
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I agree that you're not going to find your Latino 'soulmate' on this BBS, but if you read the reports here, you just may find a partner down there when you finally go to Mexico. Last weekend, I was in TJ, ran into a lovely TV, and found out that she was a top and had an enormous dick. A good time was had by all.
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Old 29th July 2004, 06:39 PM
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Just luvvvvvvvv those titties on the back!!!!!!!!
"Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness."
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Old 8th August 2004, 09:51 AM
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From Austin to Nurevo Loredo w/o Spanish

I've been a resident of Austin for years but have been out of town for quite a while. I haven't been to Loredo in about 3 years and expect it's probably grown about the size of LA by now.

I have had some really great encounters in Loredo, TX in the past. I'm looking to go south of the border and try my luck in Nuevo Loredo.

I've got a couple of impediments. One is that I can speak enough Spanish to order a meal. It looks like I'll have to do some brushing up, right?

Another is that I'm not all that eager to drive my car into NL. Any advice on places to stay in NL when I can bring over a guest I meet?

Can I assume that the taxi drivers who want to take me to see the girls or to the famacia when I cross over the main bridges are to be avoided in this as matter, right?
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Old 16th August 2004, 12:06 AM
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Puerto Vallarta

Wow, love this thread, as I love Mexican boys. Thanks so much for the pics, marawana. I don't live close enough to Mexico to frequent it as most of the other posters do . I will be in Puerto Vallarta Aug 17-24; any sugestions, hints, or tips will be much appreciated. Muchas gracias!
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Old 28th August 2004, 01:40 AM
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Any info on the Brownsville/Matamoros area?
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Old 1st September 2004, 07:59 PM
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Talking Love the brown skin...

It's been a while since I posted to this thread...but it keeps going on and on.

Everyone has their own methods, and things they are comfortable with, so a single suggestion may not work for all. I spent hours on and had dates set up in Mexico City and Cuernavaca. The guy in Mexico City was very nice and very nice to me...but there wasn't a connection. I think he was disappointed, but what can I do?

In Cuernavaca, I was the one who was disappointed. He just didn't show up at all!

But let me tell you I wasn't disappointed for long! I found dates just sitting on a bench in the zocalo. I have been told I'm easy on the eyes, but I'm also no stud...but it didn't matter. As I sat there reading my spanish/english dictionary, I noticed a guy keeping an eye on me...and I in turn, kept an eye on him. Long story short, we had a very good time together over the next few weeks during my stay.

I had plenty of sex with him and other guys in Cuernavaca, so I wasn't worried about finding anyone new back in Mexico City on my way out of the country. But I spent my last day doing some shopping and siteseeing. At the end of the day I took everything back to my room and packed it away so I would be ready in the morning. But it was still early...about 5 I walked out of my hotel in the Zona Rosa...walked across the street and before I had spent 2 minutes window shopping, I felt a pair of eyes that seemed to be aimlessly window shopping near me.

Again, long story short, he spent the night with me, and believe me I had no problem sleeping on the plane the next day.

I would not have believed it a few years ago, but I now believe that just keeping your eyes open, acknowledging a glance, smiling back, making it obvious that you are interested with nothing more than body language or a quick touch to your crotch while you look at him.

You don't have to be overt or super suave. Just be friendly and willing to engage someone. Even stumbling over mangled spanish can turn into a romantic encounter if you don't shy away from the opportunity.

I am planning on continuing my exploits in Mexico. I spend a lot of time in Baja and encourage anyone who wants to contact me to please feel free. Email rather than the CFS private mail works better for me. I love to share information about my area of Baja.

I also want to explore Costa Rica...I hear it's great and would love to hear from you about that as well. I have posted a message in the Central America section of CFS.

Thanks to all for your posts!

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New to San Diego. Check my profile for homepage or ask about Rosarito Beach, Baja CA , MEXICO.
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Old 2nd September 2004, 01:49 PM
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 45

Anybody had experience with the mexican boys around AlGedonas near Yuma?

I am down that way once in awhile and sure would like to hook up with some of those cuties.
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Old 8th September 2004, 06:38 PM
Join Date: Jul 2002
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Mexico City

Hey all,

What a great thread! I just got back from Mexico City last week and wow what a huge city with tons of hot Mexicans. Some dark-skinned chaparritos that a lot of us like but also many european looking guys.
This trip was with my father and we only had a few days to do a lot of things so I wasn't able to 'have fun' if you know what I mean. A guy did follow me into the bathroom in a fancy restaurant and then later in front of my Dad offered to buy me a drink. I wanted him and it was painful to say no to such a delicious opportunity.
Mexico is a delightful country and any gay man should go there to enjoy not only the culture, but the most beautiful men in the world.

( | )ZeeMan( | )
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Old 10th October 2004, 12:47 PM
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run for the border

Hate to beat a dead horse, but this thread is too good to let die. I just re-read the whole thing... including my own. the juices flowing. Yep, went to Reynosa and NL a few weeks ago... definitely plenty of stuff on the streets.. In Reynosa... about 15.. even a couple of cute trannies. What is bothersome though, is there is heavy police prescence. I saw them talking to the trannies..... and then later..... the trannies were still there, so not sure what transpired. I just get very nervous when they are out... dont feel like getting the shakedown.
The same in NL(nuevo laredo)... mucho policia.. but many possibilities. I think the economy of mexico is continuing to degrade,which helps .... hate to say it.... increase the numbers of prospects on the street. I did not partake.... and have not for awhile... nothing has grabbed my attention...or the time was not right.... but... it will...
Several of the regs promised some trip reports above in their posts.... where are they? I also discovered which had some posts about meeting day laborers in big ciites near the border. So.... drove around in san antonio.... yep... they are there....Saw a couple of potentials... but didnt do more than just look. It seemed hard to seperate out the cute young ones from the older, more desperate job seekers. I do need a few things done.... so may get one for a real job.... and see what happens.
Lets see some stories!
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Old 22nd February 2005, 12:43 AM
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Posts: 74

I really enjoyed this thread, and especially loved the pics. Never thought of asking to take pics, but will bring my camera with me next time I go to Puerto Vallarta.
I've had very good luck there with free sex, and also picking up guys who want a little extra $$. If you are there, I highly recommend a masseuse named Victor who walks the beach, near blue chairs and approaches people asking them if they want massage. He charges about 600-700 pesos for massage and extra and depending on how he's feeling can give you a discount.

He has one of the fattest dicks I've ever seen. It's hard to get the whole thing in your mouth. Next time I'm down there, I'm going to ask him if I can take some pics to help him advertise.

I've also found boys near the rocky cliff at the end of the beach. One guy came up and sat behind me as I was watching the sunset. He asked me several questions and before I knew it he had his big brown dick out for me to inspect. It looked really good. I took him back to my place and sucked him three times (I had some straight videos for him to watch, so he was really horny). I gave him about 300 pesos (100 per shot). Picked up another cute boy with a big dick a few days later and also ended up giving him about 300. I guess more than what you pay in a border town, but it feels a lot safer to me.
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