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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > Minnesota   Discreet places in the Twin Cities for anonymous sex?

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Old 15th July 2007, 06:13 PM
Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 2
Angry Discreet places in the Twin Cities for anonymous sex?

The Twin Cities

No adult bookstores.

No bathhouses.

Cop-infested parks.

No bars with back rooms for romping.

Is there nowhere for discreet guys to go anymore where they can fool around and then go home?

I'm 44 and remember when you had your choice of all sorts of places. Now, I just drove past the bookstore on University and Dale and it doesn't even exist anymore because the block is being redevloped. It appears they haven't opened in a new location. Everything has disappeared and nothing has appeared to take its place. From what I heard recently, one of the parks in St Paul was hit by a sting operation and took away 20-30 guys. Where are the married guys (not that I'm one) and the ones who just want a little discreet action going? A lot of us don't have places where we can host. To top that off, it seems like to hook up, you have to talk to guys. I miss the places where you could go and then just look at each other or whip your dick out...and then go to town. If anyone knows of some place or places that still exist, I'd sure love to know about them. This city has become so prude. Isn't anyone pissed off enough to do something about it?

What are the options? If anyone knows, I'd love to hear from you.
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Old 16th July 2007, 09:24 PM
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 3

I'm right there with you. I used to enjoy the cruising and the easy no-strings action in the parks and bookstores. Nothing gets my dick harder than some hot, random outdoor sex. I have to go to chicago now to shove my meat into a sloppy glory hole or get some action in a dark corner of a bar.
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