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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > New York - The Boroughs   Rush

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Old 21st April 2011, 03:10 PM
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 3

Hi. I'm here in NYC for a few days. Do they still sell Rush here anymore?
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Old 21st April 2011, 03:25 PM
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Good question. I hope someone responds. The supply across the USA has really dried up, or so it seems.
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Old 21st April 2011, 03:39 PM
Join Date: Nov 2005
Posts: 3

Yea one of the problems is that the guy who manufactured it committed suicide not long ago so the original is not being made anymore. Back in Ohio there's plenty of fake Rush now that's good. I just find it unbelievable that NYC is so cleaned up now. I used to buy Rush at newstands in the theater district long ago. It was everywhere.
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Old 24th April 2011, 01:42 AM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 335

Rush is still being made, but to US restrictions. The original formula, still marketed in Europe, is illegal in the US. Last year, there was a mistake or deliberate error in manufacturing that allowed a substantial amount of European formula Rush to be shipped in the US. This had the trademark that looked like the Superman logo. The Feds stepped in to sweep this contraband up and ensnared a few other manufacturers in their zest. Supplies dried up on the wholesale level, and retail stocks were seized in some areas. There was one death reported in Illinois from "poppers".

We use to carry Video Tech brands D&E Purple and Double Eagle Yellow Video Head Cleaner. We were told they went out of business during the raids, but I notice our wholesaler has just started restocking these. Currently, we are bringing Rush, Jungle Juice and Jungle Juice Platinum in to our stores in northern and central NY. Notices are clearly posted warning buyers not to mix with Viagra or other erection drugs, a very dangerous combination! Never ask for "poppers", ask for liquid aroma or video head cleaner. Cops react to the term "poppers" like you were going into a smoke shop and asking for a "crack pipe" instead of a glass pipe.
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Old 24th April 2011, 02:08 AM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 335
Liquid aroma/video head cleaner bum rap

First, use of the term "poppers" is illegal in many areas and frowned on in most others, especially when cops are around. Legal product is marketed under the classification of liquid aroma, video head cleaner, sneaker cleaner, and locker room deodorizer.

There is an old misconception that use of these products leads to AIDS. Even the National Institute on Drug Abuse says:

"Nitrites are abused mainly by older adolescents and adults. Typically, individuals who abuse nitrites are seeking to enhance sexual function and pleasure. Research shows that abuse of these drugs in this context is associated with unsafe sexual practices that greatly increase the risk of contracting and spreading such infectious diseases as HIV/AIDS and hepatitis.

Animal research raises the possibility that there may be a link between abuse of nitrite inhalants and the development and progression of infectious diseases and tumors. The research indicates that inhaling nitrites depletes many cells in the immune system and impairs immune system mechanisms that fight infectious diseases. A recent study found that even a relatively small number of exposures to butyl nitrite can produce dramatic increases in tumor incidence and growth rates in animals."

And it is not limited to anti-Gay groups. The Ontario Gay Scene Magazine even once reported:

"Poppers - not HIV - are the cause of AIDS in North America, according to Marvin R. Kitzerow, author of The AIDS Indictment.
Kitzerow claims that prolonged use of nitrate inhalants (poppers) predisposed almost all of the first victims of AIDS and he blames the US Center for Disease Control for not alerting the world of the "nitrate inhalant epidemic." "

IMO, it's all anti-gay posturing. I have been retailing the US legal formulas for over fifteen years without incident, other than police harassment. For course, if you are on any medication (especially related to heart disease or problems, or taking any erectile enhancement products) consult with your doctor about the use of these products.

Buy only reputable US formula product from a reputable dealer (no wisecracks about all porn dealers are dis-reputable). If you chose to inhale the vapors in disregard of the label warnings, discontinue use if you experience any prolonged headaches or blurry vision and consult your doctor. Also consult your doctor before exposure to the vapors if you have any heart conditions/disease or are taking any erectile enhancement products.
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