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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > New York - Long Island   Massapequa Woods

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Old 6th April 2009, 11:15 AM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 1
Massapequa Woods

Does anyone still go to the Massapequa Woods anymore? I haven't been there in quite awhile and was wondering if there is any action going on? What are the current hot spots these days? We need to get some activity on the Long Island board!
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Old 7th April 2009, 10:48 AM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 9
Smile Massapequa Woods

If you're talking about the park opposite the Massapequa train station parking lot.... I've been there several times and did not see anything going on. I was there for a couple of hours and found a spot that actually had recent condom wrappers on the ground and tissues around which leads me to believe that something recently had to have gone on. But I have not seen anything and walked around for a while to get some..... but no such luck. I find it hard to beleive that here on the Island with all this land that I can not find anything outdoors. I love doing it outside!! I'm from Queens and I had Forest Park that was huge and there were all sorts of "hiding spaces". It was great. I could be naked without a problem. Now that I live here I can't believe that I can't find a spot to walk around naked and get laid!!! If you find out anything let me know..... I'll keep trying Mass. Pk!!
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Old 29th April 2009, 03:19 PM
Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 2

Hi guys i use to do club 49 & 52 ( the park & rides off the LIE ) but now the bushes have been cut back & patrols have been up ! personally i go to JB fl. 6 & walk a mile & a half just be Warned that they do patrol !!! just use Common Sense !!!! so many of us can be jerks & get us all in Trouble !!!! like the catholic priest in 2000 !! it fuk it up for years !! so far its just us regulars !
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