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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > Ohio   where is everyone?

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Old 24th February 2007, 01:36 PM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 3
where is everyone?

Hell I have been gone for 14 months and this place is dead. where does everyone post?
Yahoo cut all the gay groups and so did msn.
Anyone have suggestions on other real time forumns??
love the taste of cum
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Old 24th February 2007, 02:01 PM
Join Date: Aug 2002
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I've noticed the number of posts declining here as well in the last few months. I can only guess that its either the time of year or there might have been a glut of liars setting up false appointments a few months ago and it has temporarily caused a reduction in postings. But you aren't going crazy in your observation. Hopefully it will turn around soon.

As for alternative places online to hook up, I've always had the greatest success with AOL chatrooms. The changeover of people is slow since it tends to attract a regular crowd, but there is usually a new face once or twice a week. Truthfully, some of the best hookups I've had weren't from people in the room but people lurking outside the room checking profiles remotely and then private messaging me. I'm guessing that the reason its good hunting grounds is that you have to pay to participate and that tends to cut down on guys lying.

Yahoo wasn't too bad back when you had user created chatrooms. But with the bots these days and the very general nature of the rooms anymore, its not worth the time. I do wonder where the guys I met up with now go. There was one guy who really knew how to hoover a cock and was living in a trailer park that used to be on there every morning. He disappeared completely when the chatrooms went under.

Other than that, I'm at a loss. Hopefully someone might have an answer. Judging from the amount of postings on Craigs List, that might be an option. But I've had bad luck the two times I tried it.
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Old 24th February 2007, 06:54 PM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 3

Thanks for the tip never tried the AOL chats. Use to be to many guys with their pants down setting thigns up for the thrill and get off on that adn have no intention of ever hooking up. Or the guys from out of town.
But thanks.
love the taste of cum
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Old 25th February 2007, 08:00 AM
Join Date: Jun 2003
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Hooking Up

Yeah i know what you mean i have gotten so many messages from guys on here about my post's then i send them an answer and never hear from them again if they have no intention of hooking up with you then don't waste my time..I have had a great deal of success with i have met and hooked up with several guy's from there,i like to suck cock and get sucked to,just like alot of people but it seems like most of the guy's on here just want to play games if your ever in the Steubenville area hit me up i'm always looking for a nice cock to suck on and love a good blowjob to
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Old 25th February 2007, 04:05 PM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 3

I will check it out, looks like anice place.

To many guys like the thrill of chantting ans talking about getting together and get off on that and really have no intentions of hooking up. Been using local Bi-line in Cincy for hook ups but even that is getting bad when guys fill your message board with replays while they jack off and then when you call and ask for (Mike ) they say wrong number, and you have to pay couple bucks a minute.

You are way up in the frozen North to cold up there for me, but thanks for the tip.
love the taste of cum
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