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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Canada > Ontario   Where are all the American Visitors

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Old 10th August 2008, 01:20 PM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 54
Where are all the American Visitors

I am 7", THICK & UNCUT, 6' 2", 200, 55 Top (butt only if you want to and if you are another Top, 2 Tops can have fun) want to meet men, 25-59, height and weight proportional (Italian & Greek a plus). Also let me know if you are an American visitor to Toronto or Niagara Falls, both about 2 hours away from me (so weekends only), or London, Kichener, or Brantford about an hour away.

If interested in meeting, please contact me by CLICKing ON PROFILE and sending me a REGULAR E-MAIL, then I will be able to send you my "descriptive e-mail" and PIC (pic to be sent to your regular e-mail address). Thanks
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Old 26th October 2008, 06:43 AM
Super Moderator
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 32

Maybe we Americans will head back up north again with the changes in the loonie. I love visiting Canada, but honestly one of the attractions was the value for my money. Of course the other is the really hot men who remain exactly that -- hot!
Generous to young men! Ask me if you're interested.
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