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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > Pennsylvania - Eastern & Delaware   Reading Naked

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Old 2nd September 2008, 02:39 PM
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 41
Reading Naked

I just came in from outside. I was sitting in a lawn chair reading. My house is in the woods, so I didn't bother putting any clothes on. I like to sit around naked. How about you?
It wasn't long before I had lost all interest in my book. I slid down in my chair and spread my legs. Lifting them over my head, I could feel the breeze on my ass. It was as if someone was breathing heavy on me down there. I thought how nice it would be to have someone's tongue flicking across me. A little bit of that and who knows what might happen next.
I live near Hanover, PA. You want to come over and sit out back?

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